Black Metal.

There is not "third wave." A wave implies a dramatic, wholesale shift of focus of some sort, when in reality most of the "third wave" bands aren't really doing anything different. There was the first wave, then the Norwegian scen ushered in the second wave, which died out essentially in the mid-90s, and then Black Metal just became a style that a number of bands adapted. I really don't see another wave ever happening.

You are a Holocaust denier.
yeah, I just found out pretty recently myself. it was apparently getting to be too extensive to do all the orchestral least they put out a hell of a record to end the career

Man you just ruined my day. One of my favourite bands ever and one of the most consistently brilliant and groundbreaking artists. There's still nothing on their website.
New track posted Nachtmystium.

Its looking good so far.

Hmm, sounds like standard black metal until 2 minutes into the song, then it takes off with the new sound. I quite like it, especially when the solo kicks in. I hope the rest of the album integrates the BM/Psychedelic elements a little better.

Aware that this is myspace quality, the vocals are too high in the mix. But perhaps I'm too used to the successful formula of Instinct: Decay. And the album cover is rather lame.

I'm psyched (mind the pun) for the new album.
Well at least they're keeping enough black metal in the mix this time around. I feared they may be leaping too far ahead in their musical direction. That track gives me the feeling they haven't strayed too far, but at the same time almost not far enough as a logical step from the previous opus.

And the way the band name is presented, on the new album cover, looks familiar. Electric Wizard did something similar on Witchcult Today, but I'm thinking there was another band that used that design.
Helrunar, Make a Change... Kill Yourself, and Gris are all pretty mediocre bands. They have some ace ideas throughout, but lack as whole albums.
Well at least they're keeping enough black metal in the mix this time around. I feared they may be leaping too far ahead in their musical direction. That track gives me the feeling they haven't strayed too far, but at the same time almost not far enough as a logical step from the previous opus.

And the way the band name is presented, on the new album cover, looks familiar. Electric Wizard did something similar on Witchcult Today, but I'm thinking there was another band that used that design.
I have a feeling on Instinct they decided to experiment a small amount (solos, the few rocking riffs) and found that it worked really well. This album will probably have lots of experimentation and may not be as focused. I think the two songs they posted lend credence to this as they are not terribly alike. Hopefully this album will be high quality and allow the band to really find out what works for the whole psych/black formula and then apply it in the future.
I have a feeling on Instinct they decided to experiment a small amount (solos, the few rocking riffs) and found that it worked really well. This album will probably have lots of experimentation and may not be as focused. I think the two songs they posted lend credence to this as they are not terribly alike. Hopefully this album will be high quality and allow the band to really find out what works for the whole psych/black formula and then apply it in the future.

I also think there is a small doom influence there also.

BTW the artwork is badass.
I have a feeling on Instinct they decided to experiment a small amount (solos, the few rocking riffs) and found that it worked really well. This album will probably have lots of experimentation and may not be as focused. I think the two songs they posted lend credence to this as they are not terribly alike. Hopefully this album will be high quality and allow the band to really find out what works for the whole psych/black formula and then apply it in the future.

Bear in mind that there's only one song (the new one) on their myspace that we know for sure is from the upcoming full-length. The other one is from their MCD that comes out in April. So it won't necessarily be on Assassins. This means we only have one song to work with to take guesses at what the whole album sounds like.

However, it's a common practice for bands with upcoming albums to post a song that sounds more similar to their recent material. That way there's still plenty of surprises in store for when the album is actually released. So who knows where Assassins will fall in terms of their direction.
There is not "third wave." A wave implies a dramatic, wholesale shift of focus of some sort, when in reality most of the "third wave" bands aren't really doing anything different. There was the first wave, then the Norwegian scen ushered in the second wave, which died out essentially in the mid-90s, and then Black Metal just became a style that a number of bands adapted. I really don't see another wave ever happening.

I don't think you can really make a judgment on the existence/nonexistence of a 3rd wave if you're just saying "most" of the so-called next wave bands aren't doing anything special. What about the ones who are? What do you think of this? Why don't we just call the bands doing new sounding black metal with careful tie-ins to the actual BM aesthetic "3rd wave"?
There is no single cohesion in post second-wave Black Metal that would merit classifying it as a "third wave." In fact, there are many very small and confined "third waves," in a sense, but given their limited reach, it wouldn't make sense to call each of these contemporary scenes a singular entity.
From my understanding, the 3rd wave has more to do with geography than transforms of the music, though musical innovations are very important (but not required, since there are plenty of USBM Burzum clones etc.).
There is no single cohesion in post second-wave Black Metal that would merit classifying it as a "third wave." In fact, there are many very small and confined "third waves," in a sense, but given their limited reach, it wouldn't make sense to call each of these contemporary scenes a singular entity.

Well, there is no doubt a movement of black metal bands that are straying from the simple lo-fi raw black metal sound. Why would someone no call this a third wave? Maybe not a scene were everyone is together and sitting in a basement recording together like in Norway but what about the large amount bands pushing the genre into different places?