Black Metal.

Indeed it does. But it is very detached also, of course. IMO the 3rd wave sound, if it existed, would be bands who push the genre extremely far but are still undeniably black metal in most if not all aspects. It is interesting to see how the genre will develop. I think it has a long way to go before it dies...those who would give it up so early don't appreciate it fully, in my opinion. In other news:

Holy shit! New Arckanum! I sparked the new love for them on the board with my post about them yet I have one release by them. Which is fucking amazing mind you.
Yeah, you actually spurred me to check them out again after being disappointed from what I heard off Kampen. Turns out that is just my least favorite of his works so far (yet it is still very great, I just had not given it much mind and thus didn't appreciate it fully). Then I fell in love with everything he's done and ordered the reissues off Full Moon Prod's site. They are apparently having issues pressing the CDs but said not to worry since they will be out soon. Maybe I'll pester Jon about them more...
I hate ordering from FMP, jon is really slow at shipping orders. Hopefully other distros will get the reissues since i refuse to order from him. (had tons of problems with that distro)
Yeah, you actually spurred me to check them out again after being disappointed from what I heard off Kampen. Turns out that is just my least favorite of his works so far (yet it is still very great, I just had not given it much mind and thus didn't appreciate it fully). Then I fell in love with everything he's done and ordered the reissues off Full Moon Prod's site. They are apparently having issues pressing the CDs but said not to worry since they will be out soon. Maybe I'll pester Jon about them more...

Glad to hear I spurred a interest in a band for you!

I happen to hate FMP.
I hate ordering from FMP, jon is really slow at shipping orders. Hopefully other distros will get the reissues since i refuse to order from him. (had tons of problems with that distro)

Eh I don't mind the wait really...I usually tide myself over with other orders from faster places and then like the surprise of getting shit eventually, heh.
Edit: Yeah, what the fuck is taking so long with the reissues? I paid for that shit in December.

1/30/08 New Addition


Unfortunately we've had some problems with the CD & CD plant. We are expecting the new CD's to be in stock very soon. Our deepest apologies for the delay, but we know its worth the wait! Most of our packages are ready to go, just waiting on the Discs to arrive. Thanks for everyone patience!

No problem. Just check FMP's site for details every few weeks you don't get them...I think Jon got a ton of orders for these, so I believe he will feel pressured to mail them as soon as problems are fixed.

EDIT: Speak of the devil...check this e-mail I just got (re: my inquisitiveness regarding the CD pressing issue above):


yeah, its been a fucking nightmare.. but the CD plant said they would ship next wednesday.

yeah, I just found out pretty recently myself. it was apparently getting to be too extensive to do all the orchestral least they put out a hell of a record to end the career
There is not "third wave." A wave implies a dramatic, wholesale shift of focus of some sort, when in reality most of the "third wave" bands aren't really doing anything different. There was the first wave, then the Norwegian scen ushered in the second wave, which died out essentially in the mid-90s, and then Black Metal just became a style that a number of bands adapted. I really don't see another wave ever happening.