Black Metal.

What makes you think this? I've always felt pretty confidently that Hvis Lyset Tar Oss was by far the most cohesive work. I feel as though Filosofem is divided into two parts, maybe even three.

Well, it's hard to say. Every time I listen to Filosofem, I feel the need to listen to the entire album, which isn't necessarily the case with Hvis Lyset Tar Oss. I can actually be satisfied with just listening to, say, Det Som Engang Var (the song).

I think the "two parts" you're talking about makes it more of an experience (aka album). You have the song Burzum starting off the album for a very fitting intro, then you move through the basic songs like Jesus Dod' and then you have the ambient track that bridges the two parts of Gebrechlichkeit. I just find it interesting how the album flows together like that.
I think both can be equally "album-like" but I believe it firmly depends on one's mood when deciding which is better. Filosofem is better when you are feeling lonely and aloof. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is better when you're in the mood for something driving and angry, and "Tomhet" calms you down after the first three rather furious songs. This is how I've always seen it.
You know, the more and more one listens to Lifelover, the more one realises just how original and innovative they are. A truly wonderful band and it baffles me how much some people hate them. They're just brilliant. Urban, gritty, sombre and aggressive when needed.

Everyone in this thread should be digging them, period.
You know, the more and more one listens to Lifelover, the more one realises just how original and innovative they are. A truly wonderful band and it baffles me how much some people hate them. They're just brilliant. Urban, gritty, sombre and aggressive when needed.

Everyone in this thread should be digging them, period.

Again Circle of Ouroborus is better for this style.
Fans of old school style black metal done right need to check out Cult Of Daath-The Grand Torturers of Hell. Its Beherit, Bathory and Darkthrone worship done right. Totally fucking killer. One of the best USBM albums I have ever heard.
Lifelover is sick... but kind of far from the Black Metal sound, though there is obvious roots. I think I've grown to like Erotik better, less filler IMO.

Edit: Can't say that I like Circle of Ouroborus more, I think Lifelover is a lot catchier.
Lifelover is fucking great to listen to at 3 in the morning, when you're surrounded by an urban environment, or in a city with very few people around.

Closed stores, lights, gritty concrete and the odd drunken passer by provides the perfect canvas for Lifelover. It's fucking urban as fuck. It's for this reason that I think it has strong, not subtle, roots in Black Metal (the same kind of urbanisation, not sound, that Darkthrone has for instance). There is a uncomfortable filthiness to it.
Browsing another forum about Lifelover, I came across this post as someone described Pulver as being the soundtrack after a destructive party:

"What the hell do you do at "self-destructive parties", isnt parties supposed to be fun?"

"fun is not black metal, you poser! "
