Black Metal.

I'm getting into a band I overshadowed: Immortal. Yes them, Call of The Wintermoon was good, and I like the stuff of Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism and Pure Holocaust, Abbath had some great vocals back then when he wasn't trying to be a bullfrog. :lol: But yeah, anymore recommendations from Immmortal I should listen to?
It's all good,quite interesting and intelligent of them how they have gotten more Metal and Epic with each new release,my personal favourite is still "Years Of Silent Sorrow" from At the Heart Of Winter,quite a beautiful song IMO
Hydra Head re-releasing Xasthur is such a cash-in...fuck that.
This really offends you that much? Obviously HH will make a few bucks off this, but that release has been difficult to find for some time, and there are lots of people who would like to hear it, who don't want to pay $50 or whatever a copy of that costs on eBay.

If they started putting out every single Xasthur split again, that would be lame, but if they decided to make a comp with all the Xasthur halves of the OOP splits, I'd like that too.
I personally don't care much for Wolves in the Throne Room, and I didn't read the entire article, but as I've continuously grown jaded by black metal over the years, I have to say this whole 'spiritual' connection between black metal music and be it nature or whatever else is one that is often highly exaggerated.

WITTR are okay, but ridiculously over-rated. More background music than anything imo.
I'm getting into a band I overshadowed: Immortal. Yes them, Call of The Wintermoon was good, and I like the stuff of Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism and Pure Holocaust, Abbath had some great vocals back then when he wasn't trying to be a bullfrog. :lol: But yeah, anymore recommendations from Immmortal I should listen to?

You can't go wrong with Immortal, but definitely prioritize the first two.

Finally listened to Aborym's Generator, and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. It's good, conceptually, and it listens well, but as a whole, it feels incomplete. I'll give it a few more listens before I judge it too fully.

Took me a darned while to get into Generator, but it grew on me and wouldn't stop growing. Two years later and it still sounds fresh to these ears.
This really offends you that much? Obviously HH will make a few bucks off this, but that release has been difficult to find for some time, and there are lots of people who would like to hear it, who don't want to pay $50 or whatever a copy of that costs on eBay.

If they started putting out every single Xasthur split again, that would be lame, but if they decided to make a comp with all the Xasthur halves of the OOP splits, I'd like that too.

Not really, but I am not a fan of Hydra Head at all really. Their design work for the CDs has bothered me for a while (ugly arial bold typeface with clear text of what the album is makes stuff seem too homogeneous to me, which is annoying)...I know that's kind of a dumb criticism but whatever.

A re-release of Xasthur splits would be cool...Scott's tracks on the Acid Enema split rule.
Uh...A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors was reissued only 2 or 3 years ago, wasn't it? I've never had trouble finding it, and I wasn't even looking for it.
Whilst we're kinda on the subject of Xasthur
Whatchootalkingbout? I listened to Defective Epitaph today and it's just as good as any of the other releases. Ideally I'd like the production to be a bit heavier, but I'd say that about all the other releases too.
IMO Nocturnal Poisoning is his most cohesive album. It couldn't hurt anyone with a passing interest in USBM to check out stuff from AGTBM, The Funeral Of Being and the aforementioned masterpiece.
Whilst we're kinda on the subject of Xasthur
Whatchootalkingbout? I listened to Defective Epitaph today and it's just as good as any of the other releases. Ideally I'd like the production to be a bit heavier, but I'd say that about all the other releases too.
Actually I listened to it some more last night and it grew on me a lot. I think I judged it harshly at first for the rather lifeless production, but looking past that now I can see some good work.