Black Metal.

No, Die And Become was their debut ('02).

edit: @ unknown

ALSO EDIT: check out this upcoming release from Eastside:

[cover] GONTYNA KRY "Arystokracja Ducha" CD


Also in their upcoming list...get ready for these:

[cover] DUB BUK "Miertvyje Sromu Nie Majut" CD
[cover] TEMNOZOR "T.B.A." mCD
[cover] KATAXU / NECATOR Split CD
So is Bolt Thrower, and all their albums are top notch.
You don't need all albums by either of those bands. Bolt Thrower got boring when they polished their sound after Realm of Chaos and Xasthur are just pretty much boring most of the time (with a few exceptions).
not sure about essentials, but id check out Watain,Thorns,...And Oceans, and V.E.G.A.

I say these because all the metalheads i show them ( buddies) all really like them.Also because they are fairly varied
No, Die And Become was their debut ('02).

edit: @ unknown

ALSO EDIT: check out this upcoming release from Eastside:

[cover] GONTYNA KRY "Arystokracja Ducha" CD


Also in their upcoming list...get ready for these:

[cover] DUB BUK "Miertvyje Sromu Nie Majut" CD
[cover] TEMNOZOR "T.B.A." mCD
[cover] KATAXU / NECATOR Split CD

Holy shit a new Gontyna Kry album? Wow, i can't wait to hear that.. Welowie is great..

Edit; talked to someone that knows Gontyna Kry, apparently it's now a one man band from England(WTF?) and the new album coming out wont sound anything like old gontyna kry. :erk:
Alright folks. I like Darkthrone, I like Burzum, I like Mayhem, I like Limbonic Art, so... what essentials am I missing?
If you've got a decent grasp on the essentials, I don't think you need to hear all of them before you move on to some of the better recent bands. In fact, it should freshen up those 2nd wave albums if you listen to some of the newer ones. May I recommend this, although the old-timers will tell you it sucks:

Buy Velvet Cacoon - Genevieve. Drudkh, Deathspell Omega, Xasthur, Inquisition, The Ruins of Beverast, and newer Leviathan might be a decent mix of newer (post 2000) bands, that sound roughly dissimilar, but certainly distinct from the 2nd wave. A lot of people will say that many of these suck too, but you should decide that for yourself.

I stumbled upon this tonight. I found it quite interesting, since I care about the material in question - Wrest's new material - under whatever guise.
The news is old, but there are relatively recent comments of relevance. For what it's worth, I have nothing but positive things to say about Blake in my personal dealings with him, so I believe his side on this. Talks I've had with the guys on his label and his band support this as well, imo. In addition, Moribund has never had the greatest reputation, as recently evidenced by their troubles with Malefic.

USBM may never be the soap opera that Norwegian 2nd wave was, but they sure are trying in their own way. Regarding that blog, it seems dead now, other than comments, but looked solid. Those interested should definitely check out the Velvet Cacoon news. You have to take it with a grain of salt, but whatever they do is sure to be interesting.
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