Black Metal.

I've heard quite a bit of Xasthur, it isn't that great as everyone makes it out to be. It's not terrible, but it definitely doesn't deserve all the hype.
I can totally see why Xasthur is popular. The music has a shitload of layers that can unveiled new after each listen. The production value is the typical, yet perfectly set up for a modern one man black metal project. Its atmosphericly depressing and is actually kinda complicated. You could even consider it hauntingly catchy. The only reason I don't like Xasthur is because they bore me to death. Yet I have a trace of respect for what he does.
No there isn't. His material is so uniform in sound that I find it wasteful to have more than one album. Nocturnal Poisoning is his most coherent work, so that's the only one I feel that I need.
Well, when I am In the mood for a xasthur album I can't blindly pick one up and put it in the record player thinking: "Who the fuck cares? It all sounds the same anyways". I enjoy different things about each album/split/EP and they all affect me in a different way.
Not really, but I am not a fan of Hydra Head at all really. Their design work for the CDs has bothered me for a while (ugly arial bold typeface with clear text of what the album is makes stuff seem too homogeneous to me, which is annoying)...I know that's kind of a dumb criticism but whatever.

A re-release of Xasthur splits would be cool...Scott's tracks on the Acid Enema split rule.

Hydra Head fucking rule. I love a ton of the stuff they release and their artwork and shirt designs are top-notch.