Black Metal.

Hah, both those are great but imo the second album of both bands, The Curse of Mankind and Av Norrøn Ætt are the best ones. I need to check out Wallachia. Never heard of accually. Let's not forget Isvind either btw. :>
Any thoughts on Griffar? I've had Of Witches And Celts for some years now and probably haven't listened to it in about as long as I've owned it because I thought it sucked. Should I even waste my time giving it another shot?
Does anyone here like Ancient Rites? I've only just discovered them, but I'm really digging their newer stuff. I haven't been able to hear as much of their older material.
Any thoughts on Griffar? I've had Of Witches And Celts for some years now and probably haven't listened to it in about as long as I've owned it because I thought it sucked. Should I even waste my time giving it another shot?

I thought it was pretty good but I've only given it one or two listens myself.
Ok, so I got my Vrolok/Emit split. I must say the Vrolok tracks are not as good as I thought it would be. The Emit songs are much better than I thought they would be though. Pretty fucking ace.
Any thoughts on Griffar? I've had Of Witches And Celts for some years now and probably haven't listened to it in about as long as I've owned it because I thought it sucked. Should I even waste my time giving it another shot?

Heh, I just listened to this last night for the first time in ages and found it to be rather rewarding. Somewhat epic, refreshingly melodic and non-pretentious French Black Metal.

Good news about the Arckanum reissues finally shipping out, I guess we now just have to wait a good month or so to receive them. ;)
I guess I'll have to pull it out and give it a listen over the weekend, then.

By the way, in the spirit of your signature, I just received For The Glory Of UR, and I have In Monumentum on the way from Hell's Headbangers. Have you checked out Agatus yet? If you like Zemial (well, and Greek Black Metal in general, they so frequently shared members as it is), I can't imagine you not liking them. Both full-lengths are excellent; hopefully they'll put a new one out this year.
I guess I'll have to pull it out and give it a listen over the weekend, then.

By the way, in the spirit of your signature, I just received For The Glory Of UR, and I have In Monumentum on the way from Hell's Headbangers. Have you checked out Agatus yet? If you like Zemial (well, and Greek Black Metal in general, they so frequently shared members as it is), I can't imagine you not liking them. Both full-lengths are excellent; hopefully they'll put a new one out this year.

where did you get For The Glory Of UR?
I guess I'll have to pull it out and give it a listen over the weekend, then.

By the way, in the spirit of your signature, I just received For The Glory Of UR, and I have In Monumentum on the way from Hell's Headbangers. Have you checked out Agatus yet? If you like Zemial (well, and Greek Black Metal in general, they so frequently shared members as it is), I can't imagine you not liking them. Both full-lengths are excellent; hopefully they'll put a new one out this year.

Yeah, I sampled some stuff from Agatus on their Myspace and I'll definitely be purchasing both albums whenever possible (although I imagine Dawn of Martyrdom is rather rare). I still need to get For the Glory of UR (another hard task). In Monumentum is fucking great. Probably the best Greek Metal I've ever come across.