Black Metal.

it's stupid, i know. they wanted me to get my mom to fax a permission slip or something. i'm 36 years old.

anyways i'm glad i finally can post on here. sorry for being off topic. i don't want V5 to come storming in screaming. haha
thanks. seriously, i know all about v5. i know everyone's tastes completely. it feels like i have witnessed zephyrus growing up even.
one thing i have always wanted to ask is what does anyone actually see in borknagar or bal sagoth? am i missing something? i know bal-sagoth is supposed to be epic, or something. but it's just that weird sounding guy who is talking through the music that completely ruins it. are they both supposed to be black metal? i have "origin" which sucks and is folk or something and "quintessence" which is god knows what and isn't much by borknagar and "battle magic" by bal sagoth which is virtually unlistenable. does either band have better albums or should i just get on with my life and stop worrying about them?
Borknagar's self titled debut is certainly worth looking into. I can see how the later releases don't sit well with a few people.

As for Bal-Sagoth, I don't really see anything special about them either.
i have a strange story. i couldn't get registered for this forum for months because when it asked for a date at the start i gave today's date so they thought my age was one day old. i was finally able to register for some reason. anyways i guess i just have been lurking for months and i have read this whole thread twice and have gotten tons of great metal recs. i guess i thank you all for that. it's funny because i seriously feel like i know a lot about you all.


Whats your thoughts on most of us.
Bal-Sagoth is interesting more for the stories than the music, but I like relentless, keyboard-driven black metal of that sort and I enjoy the narratives.

I have never look at music as a full narrative statement but more of a condensed output of intense emotion. I do not want a story in my music.

Whats your thoughts on most of us.

well usually very interesting conversations detailing the hell out of everything.

you get annoying with the drone music and the interpol fanboisms and christ and whatnot

actually, i don't wanna rip on anyone you are all pretty funny and this topic is pretty great. cyrthAUl is usually such a jerk that i get a kick out of him.

the bickering about every single aspect of everything is just plain great in general.
thanks i will

also, hubster usually made me wanna scratch me eyes out when he would go on and on about black metal ideals. he was pretty knowledgeable, though. he seems to have gone away