Black Metal.

Borknagar isn't for everyone. You have to like a lot of things at once, those being black metal, clean vocals, some folkiness and complex guitar playing. I find it to be the perfect formula, but for many it's not standard enough black metal to deliver what they expect from the genre.
I fucking love Faustcoven - The Halo Of Burning Wings. Was finally able to get my hands on a copy, and wow what a great fucking work of art. I've heard this album a few times already but this time i sat down with it and just absorbed it all, great stuff. I'm so hyped for the next Faustcoven album being released in a couple of months.

Edit: listening to Under The Pagan Hammer makes me want to headbang nonstop. :)
Borknagar isn't for everyone. You have to like a lot of things at once, those being black metal, clean vocals, some folkiness and complex guitar playing. I find it to be the perfect formula, but for many it's not standard enough black metal to deliver what they expect from the genre.

yeah, you will grow out of them
I've listened to them non-stop for three years and they're still my favorite band.

one thing i will say about you, though..

your constant signature in my face when i'm taking days and weeks to read this thread really got me into aborym. damn, what a great band. A fire walk with us=:worship:
Indeed. They are rather overlooked. Same goes for the sub-genre of industrial black metal. Mysticum would have been venerated with the other greats of Norway if Euronymous hadn't been murdered. He was a huge fan of them and was trying to promote them.
yeah, i like mysticum, too

they were friggen militant sounding and hard. i have "in the streams of the inferno". what other albums they have that are decent?
That's their only full-length, but you should get their Lost Masters of the Universe compilation, which contains all the songs from their demos, their splits with Ulver and Audiopain, as well as song released from their unreleased 2nd album, Planet Satan. I really hope they put that out some day.
does the compilation have broken up crappy disjointed shitty annoying production value changes from track to track or is it pretty reasonably listenable? does it flow
Is it fair to consider Aeternus - ...and so the Night Became a classic? Everything about this album oozes with greatness. Folky, epic, and totally bonecrushing in every manner. It containss probably the best intro into a record I have ever had the pleasure to hear that contain some of the most grotesque vocals to ever thrown from ones throat. I can tell a lot of newer bands are influenced by them.
Zep, are you a fan of Endless Dismal Moan?

Also, though its not black metal at all so I wont try to get a much of a discussion involved, have you listen to the band Ghengis Tron? It might be up your alley. I believe they are on tour with Nachtmystium.
I haven't heard....what? Nachtmystium's on tour?!

And I've heard some EDM and it's pretty good. May be hard to track down any of their releases.