Black Metal.

Grimlair's Locked Up And Forgotten is half average-to-good/half amazing French BM sounding like early Mütiilation crossed with a healthy dose of Burzum and some shoegaze. Great!
Mathiäs;7158331 said:
I have that. I thought it was pretty good.

I find it one of the best recent second wave bands. Much better than Behexen or Sargeist for this style. I happen to have it on cassette so I get an extra kvlt hiss to go with it.

Grimlair's Locked Up And Forgotten is half average-to-good/half amazing French BM sounding like early Mütiilation crossed with a healthy dose of Burzum and some shoegaze. Great!

Ugh! More shozegaze based metal bands? I hated Alcest and the new Jesu material has been very sub-par. Could you go a bit deeper into the details of this band?
Okay, I will try them out soon than.

Also, I will take this time also to say the song "Inverse Devotion" by Vrolok is a very interesting take of how dreamy, dark and ambient-ish black metal should be preformed. Can anyone tell me more about Vrolok, as I only own the split with Emit. Arckanum EP is out via Debemur Morti Productions, located in France. I assume this will be hella expensive, it's about 11 bucks USD not including shipping...awaiting a postage calculation but I don't think it'll be pretty. I still want it a ton. Red/black swirl ftw. Features a new song from his new upcoming album and a cover (Holy Moses "Current of Death"):

I was also interested in getting that EP, but I read that the new track is an unmastered version. I think I can hold out until the full-length gets released. This is, of course, if no US distros get any copies.:)
I am really falling in love with Judas Iscariot. I didn't expect to like the band at this level. His music is not that brutal at the same time evil.
i personally like judas iscariot. one of my most played bands recently. his music is interesting, raw and evil. i love his somber mellow tracks the best. i recommend pretty much anything you can find by him. except maybe that unreleased full length because it kinda sounds like shit.
Also, I will take this time also to say the song "Inverse Devotion" by Vrolok is a very interesting take of how dreamy, dark and ambient-ish black metal should be preformed. Can anyone tell me more about Vrolok, as I only own the split with Emit.

vrolok is amazing. i love every single release.

check out Resurgence I: decent through the abyss

then get:

resurgence II: where the dying meet the dead
resurgence III: order of the sphere
soul amputation
void (the divine abortion)

soul amputation is the weirdest one and digs the deepest into psychadelia. i swear ever single thing vrolok has released i have loved. it's all just fascinating. highly goddamned recommended band.
i can pm you a blogspot that has some to check out. i won't if you dont want me to.

you gotta listen to vrolok with headphones and loud. really a trip
I've decided that In Abhorrence Dementia is Limbonic Art's best work. For a while I favored Ad Noctum but I've come to realize that IAD is just as powerful (with good headphones) and a hell of a lot more symphonic.