Black Metal.

Has anyone heard the new Forgotten Tomb? I'm listening to it right now, and it is easily their most accessible work to date. It even has some clean vocals, which definitely soften up the overall sound (he sounds like an alternative singer when doing clean vox). That's not to say that they sold out and made a mainstream album; this is still far more extreme than bands like Opeth.
Has anyone heard the new Forgotten Tomb? I'm listening to it right now, and it is easily their most accessible work to date. It even has some clean vocals, which definitely soften up the overall sound (he sounds like an alternative singer when doing clean vox). That's not to say that they sold out and made a mainstream album; this is still far more extreme than bands like Opeth.

I heard one of the new tracks on their Myspace a couple of weeks back and I was distinctly uninpressed, especially in comparison with some of their other work, which has been brilliant.
I heard one of the new tracks on their Myspace a couple of weeks back and I was distinctly uninpressed, especially in comparison with some of their other work, which has been brilliant.
Yes, this is NOT as good as any of their previous work. But that doesn't change the fact that Songs to Leave is one of the top five black metal albums of all time in my book.
listening to their tracks on myspace, the Katatonia influence is blatantly obvious. That being said, I enjoy it and will check them out further.

edit: It's like oldschool Katatonia but with Varg on vocals
OI! Clandestine Blaze is fucking good dude!

I never said Mikko wasn't good. ;) Generic =/= automatically bad! I listen to slam death plenty, so that should be obvious. :lol:

Evil? said:
I just finished listening to Blut Aus Nord's "Ultima Thulee" and I must say it was quite rad. Anyone else a fan?

Great album. Memoria Vetusta I is a little better, even, and I believe TWWTG is their best, though a very different style.

Speaking of BAN...
Anyone else like Children of Maani as much as me? I know Malignance does.
Mercyful Fate are fucking great. The problem with Black metal these days, simply put, is a lack of great moustaches. You see, back in the day, King Diamond had the Uber-tashe of grimness. Mantas has the cursed-tashe of demi-queerdom.

Nowdays it's all clean faces, humanely tested cosmetics and professionally made spike bracelets. More Spandex! More Tashes! More Bouffant hair-dos and centre parted "axe-wound" hair cuts!