Black Metal.

Hey people, I'm new to this site. What black metal bands do you recommend I listen to. Dimmu Borgir is a start for me, what else though? Suggestions?

Darkthrone- Transilvanian Hunger
Bathory- BloodFireDeath
Emperor- In the Nightside Eclipse
Burzum- Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Hey people, I'm new to this site. What black metal bands do you recommend I listen to. Dimmu Borgir is a start for me, what else though? Suggestions?

From Dimmu Borgir I would move towards Emperor, Limbonic Art, and Borknagar if you like the symphonic side of things. If you're more into the brutality factor, check out 1349, Carpathian Forest, and Marduk.
From Dimmu Borgir I would move towards Emperor, Limbonic Art, and Borknagar if you like the symphonic side of things. If you're more into the brutality factor, check out 1349, Carpathian Forest, and Marduk.

Bal-Sagoth is great epic symphonic black metal also. Listen to them. Dark Funeral is good if you like the brutality thing too.

Old Man's Child is very good, sounds like Dimmu some.
Cookiecutter: Judas Iscariot is pretty bad usually. He's even worse in terms of being generic than Clandestine Blaze...bleh. Check out Demoncy like Malignance said.
From Dimmu Borgir I would move towards Emperor, Limbonic Art, and Borknagar if you like the symphonic side of things.
Limbonic Art for sure! I've enjoyed all their releases. They never seemed to get much credit for their later releases but those albums were just as stunning in my opinion.
I've only heard Krieg - The Black House. Unfortunately the concept is quite a bit better than the album. It's pretty good for a few tracks, and then starts to get boring. Twilight is good USBM, although everyone probably knows them. I don't think they've been mentioned yet. It's not nearly as disjointed of an album as people say. Only the obvious Xasthur song sticks out.

And speaking of Clandestine Blaze, which albums are similar in production quality to the material on Crushing the Holy Trinity? I liked the production on those songs quite a bit, even though it seemed musically the same as Night of the Unholy Flames, which is the only other CB album I have.
Any fellow Darkestrah fans here? The new album "Epos" is out soon! :kickass:
