Black Metal.

I've just listened to Vrolok's Resurgence II: Where The Dying Meet The Dead , and really liked it reminded me of Mutiilation.

Are their other albums as good?
I ll have to check out Red Stream for a more Varied selection of Black metal then, the end is still a good route to go tho, the more places to shop the better I guess.The chances of finding that rarity are better and to avoid that out of stock bullshit that always happens.
anyone get a chance to check out the new watain album? I like the album but.. it sounds just like naglfar
From the clips I heard I couldn't make the connection. What makes you think so?

Speaking of Naglfar (Sweden) I heard a few songs off their newest album to be released and was not pleased at all. I thought "Shoel" had some moments but these last two albums have been down right horrible.
Speaking of Naglfar (Sweden) I heard a few songs off their newest album to be released and was not pleased at all. I thought "Shoel" had some moments but these last two albums have been down right horrible.

Really. I liked those but haven't heard the new tracks yet.