Black Metal.

Although I don't really like it that much, - I think there's nothing wrong with "songs Of Grief And Solitude" too. As it was kind of "a try" release, I guess. I mean, maybe guys just had some "archive" material that they wanted to show and they did it. Or they wanted to make something that doesnt sound like their other stuff. It doesn't mean they've changed their style or something. We just have to wait and hear the new album, that is c oming soon. I'm pumped up.
I have the Tenth Sub Level of Suicide coming in the mail soon! It was kind of a blind buy, had only heard a few tracks. Hoping it rules.
Just finished listening to IXfor the first time in a long time. This album kicks ass. I had never given it much of a chance, but I really like it :kickass:
Just finished listening to IXfor the first time in a long time. This album kicks ass. I had never given it much of a chance, but I really like it :kickass:
Cool, I want to get IX sometime, it' the only album I lack in the Emperor collection if you don't count Wrath of The Tyrants and I like what I've heard, Elegy of Icaros and Curse Ye All Men.
... look I know I seem over-enthusiastic about Black Metal ( :D ), but I have to say that I find Drudkh absolutely amazing.

Every time I listen to Drudkh, I feel like I should listen to them more. They're so great. It's like when I listen to Agalloch's "Ashes Against the Grain". I like them both a lot, but don't really pay much attention to it for some reason though I know I should.
Do the clean vocals at the 1:50 mark of The Source of Icon E, off of IX remind anyone else of King Diamond? I know the guys of Emperor are big Mercyful Fate fans, so perhaps the king had an influence of the vocals of good ole Ishahn.
Do the clean vocals at the 1:50 mark of The Source of Icon E, off of IX remind anyone else of King Diamond? I know the guys of Emperor are big Mercyful Fate fans, so perhaps the king had an influence of the vocals of good ole Ishahn.

As a matter of fact, I vaguely recall Ihsahn confirming that they were. It was in an interview done with him in Metal Maniacs right after the album was released. I can site the issue if you'd like, but I'll have to do some digging.
I'm a bit late in finding this thread, but it looks to be very informative. I've skimmed through the many pages so forgive me if this was covered already, but has the band Hellveto been discussed earlier? Last night I played the album "Zmierzch" and I just remembered how good it was. What caught my attention was the compositional work on the album. There are a lot of instruments layered in the songs but it doesn't get too chaotic. Also considering it's a one-man band in its truest sense (he actually plays all the instruments without help from session members) the album is well performed as well. Sadly this is my only album by Hellveto and I hope the others are also as good as this one.
I'm a bit late in finding this thread, but it looks to be very informative. I've skimmed through the many pages so forgive me if this was covered already, but has the band Hellveto been discussed earlier? Last night I played the album "Zmierzch" and I just remembered how good it was. What caught my attention was the compositional work on the album. There are a lot of instruments layered in the songs but it doesn't get too chaotic. Also considering it's a one-man band in its truest sense (he actually plays all the instruments without help from session members) the album is well performed as well. Sadly this is my only album by Hellveto and I hope the others are also as good as this one.

I've never even heard of them... I'll have to look them up.