Black Metal.

You always seem to like the albums everyone hates, or vice versa.

edit-at MD

Haha, it isn't a concious effort honestly. I really do like Songs of Grief & Solitude. I thought it was a good folk album, not as good as other bands have done such as Manegarm's go at it but it was pretty good.
I haven't heard it. I did like Blood In Our Wells, though. That is the only Drudkh I have heard. I'll have to look into this new stuff.
no no. Look into the old stuff first. Forgotten Legends and Autumn Aurora. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the last album, but if you're looking for (fucking excellent) metal, don't go near it...since it's folk.
Cheers to Neurotica for pointing Wolven Ancetry out to me...a damn good Symphonic BM band from Canada. definitely worth a listen or two

Tracks "Our Star-Guided Journey to the Realm of Neverending Life" and "With Northern Twilight Resplendent, We Follow the Moonlit Path in Search of Habitable Lands" make me go crazy.
Usually, but it also has to do with blackened death crossbreed stuff, and began with the band Bestial Warlust for the most part. Axis of Advance is another band commonly referred to as "war" metal.
I wish people wouldn't throw this word around every time they found something OK-ish. It's lost ALL meaning by now... :erk:

For a metal-related folk album it was GREAT, as a standalone folk album it was good. I care not for the deonations of the words I use, unless I am speaking to someone, in which case I try to make it fit the situation. I overuse amazing, excellent, worst, etc. It doesn't matter.
Another question:

When you folks heard about Songs of Grief & Solitude, what did you expect? Seems to me that people were expecting October Falls or Ulver, and were not happy when they didn't get that.

Personally I think Songs of Grief & Solitude has NOTHING wrong with it, it perfectly represents Drudkh's art acoustically.

Yes, I'm probably going to cop a flame here, but I think those who hate Songs of Grief & Solitude have clearly failed to understand Drudkh's vision. Songs of Grief & Solitude is NOT a bad album at all, not in any way whatsoever.
I think Autumn Aurora is a bit overrated. It's certainly not better than Forgotten Legends or Blood in Our Wells. I don't know why everyone gets such a boner from listening to Sunwheel. Forests in Fire and Gold is definitely the best Drudkh song. I've yet to hear SoGaS. I'll get to it sooner or later. The lackluster response kept me from getting it to this point.