Black Metal.

I haven't been that big on black, not because I don't like it, but because I never took the time to get into it. So what bands would you reccomend, i'm talking MEGA-OMEGA black metal bands :heh:

Oh by the way, I hear good things about 1349, so I'm giving them a go now, still some reccomendations would be great.

Bathory, Burzum, Emperor, Belenos, Mystic Forest, Primordial

Avoid 1349, they're boring and really shitty.
IX Equilibrium is solid and technically impressive. It's hollow and generic when compared to their classic output, but from a purely musical standpoint it's not bad.
Aww, how cute. I bet you're the cuddly type.:p


As for the copycat thing: I don't mind too much if a band copies a band I like. Although I am fairly new to Black Metal, I am a veteran of another genre full of copycats in Brutal Death. In Brutal Death there are many bands who sound exactly like Suffocation or Devourment, but I still like them because I like Suffocation and Devourment. Same thing goes for Black Metal.
IXE is a great album! I don't know why people complain about it (although I can understand people complaining about Prometheus).

"An Elegy Of Icaros" is fucking brilliant.
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi is really essential BM. Surprised of no mention of it in here yet. It was made around the same time period of Emperor's first release (a classic I might add). And seems to be severly and unjustly overlooked. It's hypnotic, dark, and epic; eveything that suites my liking for Black Metal.