Black Metal.

I'd just like to share something that I've been thinking about in regards to Black metal.

To me Black Metal is the most intimate of the genres. I feel very close to the musicians playing it. I can feel their emotions and their ideas very easily. This is especially true to me with the better one-man bands. This is a big reason why I like Black Metal, and why I like the particular Black Metal bands I do.

Aww, how cute. I bet you're the cuddly type.:p

Are you sure you're not talking about yourself? He completely rescinded everything you have written in this thread.

I couldn't care less about what ANUS says. Nihilism is a complete joke. Nothing more than a philisophical justification to be weak and inactive, kind of like how Ayn Rand is a philisophical justification for college girls to be selfish and oblivious.

Another moron that doesn't know the difference between fatalism and nihilism, is there an end to you idiots?
maybe if ANUS nihilism wasnt completely different to the commonly understood definition of nihilism you wouldnt have this problem

but then we've already seen you love to attach your own bullshit meanings to words so whatever
I reckon this is the longest running argument I've seen on the forum for ages. How many pages has it gone for... anyone?

I think we should have some kind of betting pool for how many more pages it goes for :D
I'm interested to know:

As soon as many people mention a (Black Metal) band name, someone comes along and damns that band as being generic and copycat.

There have been some times where some of the copycat accusations border on the ludicrous (imo) and that a particular band is anything but generic.

In my opinion, I generally find that lesser, younger bands overall, on much lesser known labels, donning amateur looking corpsepaint and upside down crosses everywhere are the copycats. But the thing is that those bands are simply "starting out", some of them progress past this phase and develop their own musical style.

And of course we have Black Metal bands who may not ended up breaking barriers, but do a raw, simple version of Black metal really well, they interpret their art through their music well.

So in a somewhat rhetoric sense I ask, what do you consider as NOT copycat? Who can you name in Black Metal who is apparently so bad?

And also, who then is NOT a copycat? If Black Metal is so generic, who IS worthy of recognition? Why? Why would that band then stand apart?

Please try to be serious in your response: this is not supposed to be a trashfest, I'm asking this question to Black Metal enthusiasts in this thread.

EDIT: typos fixed
Well, other than the obvious pioneers (Darkthrone, Burzum, Hellhammer, Enslaved, Bathory, Celtic Frost, Graveland, Immortal, Emperor, Rotting Christ, Mütiilation, etc), here are the bands I have found bands I have found interesting since the glory days:

Averse Sefira
Deathspell Omega
In the Woods

There are also some bands that I find "solid", although rather lacking on the innovative side:

Blut Aus Nord (first two)
The Eye
Children of Maani
Forest of Fog
I Shalt Become
Lunar Aurora

And of course a whole lot of completely derivative stuff, which is completely irrelevant, but just about worthy of a slot on my playlist. Won't even bother to list 'em.

Yaeh, probably forgot some as well.
To me, the copycat accusation does not hold much water, unless the "copier" is vastly and obviously sub par without any artistic merit. I really want to go more in depth with this, but I have an awful headache and it is making it difficult to articulate what I am trying to say. Hopefully this discussion will still be going on later.
I'm interested to know:

So in a somewhat rhetoric sense I ask, what do you consider as NOT copycat?
Well, something original. Not the generic black sound with cliche black metal lyrics. A band doesn't do it just for the scene, but rather strives to create true art through their music. Not attempting to sound "just like" the generic black metal sound, but rather creating your own music, not dependent on just copying influences.

Who can you name is Black Metal is apparently so shit?
I don't know what you are asking here. Did you word this question wrong, or make a typo?

And also, who then is NOT a copycat? If Black Metal is so generic, who IS worthy of recognition? Why? Why would that band then stand apart?
There are a lot of bands that are not copycats: Deathspell Omega, Woods of Ypres, Wolves in the Throne Room, etc.. I'll pick Wolves in the Throne Room for the purpose of your questions. The reason they are worthy of recognition is the pure passion they put into their music. They make it as an artistic statement with no monetary, fame, etc. goals. The music itself has such emotion and talent it is spectacular. Each song truly embodies a wealth of so many strong emotions. And then the lyrics, the lyrics are absolutely superb, poetic genius. Every element is used by the band in an original and personal manner, not a ripoff of some prior band. Their inspiration is nature & emotion itself, not the riffs and words of other bands. They make music to make art, not for the scene, not for money or fame. That is what separates copycat bands from truly great bands.
Czech Black Metal bands always had a knack for being utterly original. Root and Master's Hammer don't sound like any other bands at all. Greece showcases bands like Necromantia, EARLY Rotting Christ and Varathron, all completely excellent, with Italy sporting the incredible Mortuary Drape. Barathrum from Finland is one of the strangest fucking bands I've ever heard in my life, as is Beherit (mostly on their second album), along with the awesome, doomy Hail. Then of course, Deathspell Omega, Countess, and from the US nowadays, Xasthur and Leviathan. These are pretty much the entirety of my favourite BM bands other than the quintessentials (Bathory, Tormentor, Mercyful Fate, Sarcofago, Mayhem, Burzum, Darkthrone...), and I find them all to be strikingly original, not "copycats."

Copycats, I believe, would run along the lines of shit bands like Dark Funeral, Naglfar, almost every US citizen in stupid fucking makeup, etc. Usually it involves totally pedestrian use of liberal blast beats and tremelo - BORING. Only a handful of bands have pulled that off extremely well (going back to the quintessentials).
I haven't been that big on black, not because I don't like it, but because I never took the time to get into it. So what bands would you reccomend, i'm talking MEGA-OMEGA black metal bands :heh:

Oh by the way, I hear good things about 1349, so I'm giving them a go now, still some reccomendations would be great.