Black Metal.

actually i'm pretty sure you don't understand what nihilism is if you don't even realize that the idea that symbols possess no inherent meaning and exist solely as containers for consensus definition and thus nothing can be 1:1 communicated to a subjective body (as we're clearly seeing right here) is a pretty fucking important element

or: if symbols possess objective meaning, why can't i communicate to you how fucking stupid you are?

Did I say I don't realize that symbols are containers for meaning? (Not consensus definition. Where the fuck did you get that?) I simply said you don't understand what nihilism is, in saying nihilists oppose "meaning."

Now, if you wish to continue being an utter fucktard, please move to the philosophy section and stop spamming here.
Did I say I don't realize that symbols are containers for meaning? (Not consensus definition. Where the fuck did you get that?) I simply said you don't understand what nihilism is, in saying nihilists oppose "meaning."

Now, if you wish to continue being an utter fucktard, please move to the philosophy section and stop spamming here.

at first i couldn't see what everyone's problem was with you.

i see now.

my list:

1. you don't know what nihilism is. you don't know what a lot of things are. there's no way to actually be a nihilist and still care enough to argue about it. nihilism =/= message boards.
2. putting a microphone in a bucket and pissing on it not only is art, it's higher art than anything that could ever be done with a guitar. other than pissing on it.
3. (...)
4. i kinda like petey pablo :/
5. listen to Algarnas Tradgard you worms.
Did I say I don't realize that symbols are containers for meaning? (Not consensus definition. Where the fuck did you get that?) I simply said you don't understand what nihilism is, in saying nihilists oppose "meaning."

Now, if you wish to continue being an utter fucktard, please move to the philosophy section and stop spamming here.

i said nihilists oppose the notion of symbols possessing inherent meaning not the that they oppose "meaning" you fucking illiterate shit
For all your semantics, corrections and aspersions, Wires & Waves, you seem to be a little off-beat on the topic yourself- if you had any knowledge of philosophy, history and politics you would realise that nihilism has taken many different forms. I call troll - a dirty, utter AIDs ridden JEWite troll.

no, nihilism has taken precisely 2 different forms: nihilism as originally defined by nietzsche in which it wasnt supposed to be a good thing, and nihilism as defined by angsty bedroom-dwelling teeangers in which it's the solution to all the world's problems. guess which category anus falls under? NO serious philosopher has EVER identified as nihilist
Art: A form of expressive transcendent communication through creation of something of aesthetic beauty.

Entertainment: Something created to please masses and nothing more; absolute shit.

Burzum = Art.

Slipknot = Absolute shit (Entertainment).

I wish you idiots that don't understand what art is would stop preaching your lovey dovey accept all bullshit.

Nice argument, kid. You fucking fail.
The 2 songs I've heard from Filosofem called Dunkelheit and Jesus' Tod have been great,

It is a fantastic album. 3 songs are metal, the other 3 are ambient. The album is well presented too, some nice poems and also artworks by Norwegian painter Theodor Kittelsen.

no, nihilism has taken precisely 2 different forms: nihilism as originally defined by nietzsche in which it wasnt supposed to be a good thing, and nihilism as defined by angsty bedroom-dwelling teeangers in which it's the solution to all the world's problems. guess which category anus falls under? NO serious philosopher has EVER identified as nihilist

Didn't I say if you wish to continue to be a flaming fucktard, move to the philosophy section and try to argue your "ANUS is for angsty bedroom-dwelling teenagers" ignorance in the topic there? Now move it, skippy.