Black Metal.

Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi is really essential BM. Surprised of no mention of it in here yet. It was made around the same time period of Emperor's first release (a classic I might add). And seems to be severly and unjustly overlooked. It's hypnotic, dark, and epic; eveything that suites my liking for Black Metal.

I havent listened to that in a while. I'll have to pull it out pretty soon.
early Enslaved is good as fuck :kickass:
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi is really essential BM. Surprised of no mention of it in here yet. It was made around the same time period of Emperor's first release (a classic I might add). And seems to be severly and unjustly overlooked. It's hypnotic, dark, and epic; eveything that suites my liking for Black Metal.

ALL Enslaved plain outright fucking RULES. They are one of my favourite bands of all time. Fucking WICKED

<<-- Ivar is GOD
And what I meant was that the philosophy presented on the site is not what I would call purely nihilistic, or Nihilist, as you put it - it uses nihilism as a basis for a Romanticist, post-structural, post-moralistic world view.
OK but why didn't you say so then?

Your error is that you are using a mere word to describe a group's philosophy when it is inaccurate. If you had have read the texts on the site you would have known that they do not prance around merely calling themselves "Nihilist."
Could you, who know so much, please tell me why they call themselves nihilist if they are not? Not quite bored enough to read the texts there atm, sorry.
^ fotmbm, not specifically against you, but can't you folks fight about this in the philosophy forum?

We're trying to talk about Black Metal here. If this thread keeps getting trashed we'll lose it, and there's a tonne of goood stuff in here now.
In regards to IXE and Prometheus:

I distinctly remember buying IXE the day it came out. I'd been shooting my load all over everything (and I do mean everyfuckingthing) that Emperor had put out up to that point, Anthems above all. I then put the cd in my car, and cried. And cried. And fucking cried. I was expecting something that built upon the groundwork laid down by Anthems, with its whirling vortexes of sounds that cerebrally translated to whole new dimensions. That was one dense record, and it gives me chills to this day. But no. Instead what I got was something else entirely, a death metal-infused, stripped down record that sounded more like a step off of the path that they had been on, and furthermore a step backwards as well as sideways, then any sort of logical progression. I wanted layers and although they were present, they were like dingy polyester when I was looking for down. Of course, today I can appreciate IXE and I don't find it to be a bad record in the least, but it will nevertheless always be a disappointment for me solely because of the (probably irrational) expectations that I had held. Or maybe it was just Ihsahn's bald fucking head.

Prometheus I found redeeming, if only somewhat. Although it took the neo-classical influence to new levels of wankery here and there, with everything sounding just a touch too frilly, the majesty had, at least to an extent, finally returned to the Emperor camp (cf. the horns on "The Tongue of Fire"...or is it "In the Wordless Chamber?")

Regardless, I think that they had a lot more metal in them, and still fantasize daily about the perfect follow-up to Anthems and how ecstatic I'll be once it's finally released later this year. I tell myself this ever year, and still I wait. :cry:
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Haggard, I have not seen you make a bad post yet. It is refreshing to have someone show up that can not only type properly, but speak in complete punctuated sentences also. Keep it up!
If you were going to lose it you would have lost it by now. It is so full of crap Black Metal that it is embarrassing to this site.

Yeah I would have lost it, you're right. But I decided to back out of it. I want to talk music, not fight with people here. It's derailed the thread.
I really like some black metal bands (Lengsel, Emperor, Immortal mostly), but a lot of the bands bore me to tears. It seems like all they do is tremolo pick and play power chord riffs at breakneck speed. Not much originality in the scene at all.

Some black metal bands I find enjoyable just by virtue of their speed... I'm mostly thinking of 1349. The songwriting's mostly pretty poor (at least compared to the above mentioned bands), but songs like Blood is the Mortar are enjoyable simply by virtue of their speed. (I get a similar kind of enjoyment out of listening to Slayer)

Now I just need to find a band that plays ridiculously fast but has GOOD songwriting.
I really like some black metal bands (Lengsel, Emperor, Immortal mostly), but a lot of the bands bore me to tears. It seems like all they do is tremolo pick and play power chord riffs at breakneck speed. Not much originality in the scene at all.

Some black metal bands I find enjoyable just by virtue of their speed... I'm mostly thinking of 1349. The songwriting's mostly pretty poor (at least compared to the above mentioned bands), but songs like Blood is the Mortar are enjoyable simply by virtue of their speed. (I get a similar kind of enjoyment out of listening to Slayer)

Now I just need to find a band that plays ridiculously fast but has GOOD songwriting.

News Flash:


As many people already know, Drudkh are releasing their new album River of Tears soon, as well as the Anti-Urban 10" EP.

However, it would appear there's either an album name change, or, they are releasing yet a third piece of work named Estrangement.
The only Drudkh abums really worth buying, is the first two, I reckon. The latest was somewhat cool, and managed to squeeze its way into my top 10 of the year (that saying more about last year, rather than the album itself), but it still couldn't hold a candle to its earliest predecessors.
Haggard, I have not seen you make a bad post yet. It is refreshing to have someone show up that can not only type properly, but speak in complete punctuated sentences also. Keep it up!

yeah I'd have to agree...definitely one of the better new persons to infiltrate our little board.
^ fotmbm, not specifically against you, but can't you folks fight about this in the philosophy forum?

We're trying to talk about Black Metal here. If this thread keeps getting trashed we'll lose it, and there's a tonne of goood stuff in here now.

Okie dokie.

I just got the Nifelheim/Vulcano - Thunder Metal EP and Mayhemic Truth - In memoriam CD in the mail, killer stuff and I recommend all three bands to satanic hellbangers everywhere.

Oh, but I did.

Nihilism is the tool that was used to reach the philosophical view points that they adopted. I thought that this was already outlined in my post about Nietzsche's three stages of history.

If you are still unsure:

I think I have explained this clear enough several times by now.
Don't think I read it, sorry for just being an uninterested argumentative asshole. I still think you're silly.
Cheers to Neurotica for pointing Wolven Ancetry out to me...a damn good Symphonic BM band from Canada. definitely worth a listen or two