Black Metal.

Yes, I'm probably going to cop a flame here, but I think those who hate Songs of Grief & Solitude have clearly failed to understand Drudkh's vision. Songs of Grief & Solitude is NOT a bad album at all, not in any way whatsoever.

Oh no. I like it quite a bit.
@ Evil? & unknown:

Thanx for the kind words. I really do appreciate it. This is easily the best metal forum I've ever visited, and I've been looking for a decent one for some time.

As for Drudkh, that band has relentlessly (esoterically?) blown me away with each successive release, except Songs of Grief and Sorrow, which I really haven't given substantial listening time as of yet. Blood in Our Wells, though, is completely earth-shattering, and Drudkh has already, in my mind, become a band that can do no wrong. Their releases have all been incredibly dynamic, even earthy, and yet they're one of the few black metal bands that can keep my full attention even when lapsing into minimalist, repetitive passages where the same riff is repeated ad nauseum, often with few if any variations beneath or overtop, rhythmic or otherwise (Forgotten Legends is a prime example of this.) Drudkh was one of those bands that struck an immediate chord with me, and I genuinely feel that they're peerless amidst today's (over)abundance of second rate black metal. Hell, they're one of the few in recent years, and by recent I mean since sometime last decade, to not only develop an instantly recognizable sound of their own, but furthermore to do just that with more honest feeling than I've heard in ages. In fact, Graveland between Thousand Swords and Immortal Pride (which included Darken's most compelling work to date, by the way: newer Graveland is terrible) is the sole band with whom I can really find similarities in Drudkh's sound, and even those are fleeting and do not in the least amount to mimicry.

I don't really even know if Drudkh is black metal anymore, of even if they ever were, but when a band makes music of as high a calibre as do they, it really doesn't even fucking matter. Here's to Drudkh!
... look I know I seem over-enthusiastic about Black Metal ( :D ), but I have to say that I find Drudkh absolutely amazing.

Every release has been pure art, as Black Metal should be, but using their country of origin and their culture as their vehicle. Songs of Grief & Solitude included, their work is flawless.

listening to Drudkh - Autumn Aurora right now. this is some of the best latenight music ever!

I'll have you know Mr Krig, that I loaded IXE back onto the iPod because of you! I've been blasting it all day!