Black Metal.

Okay :mad:

Anyone ever listen to Ungod from Germany? I just downloaded Circle Of The Seven Infernal Pacts and plan to listen to it later tonight.
I have started to avoid all black metal bands from the U.S. So I guess you could say I do.

Cool, less annoying people who make broad generalizations will listen to some of the music I like and say annoying things about it. :lol:
Let's see. Sear Bliss, Ceremonial Castings, DIS, Numen, Limbonic Art (especially Moon in the Scorpio). I hate to do lists but those are among my favorites. Not a big fan of the very raw styles, or Norwegian styles.

oh, hey, this has been brought up before, but where's a good starting point with xasthur? Is telepathic pretty representative, or what?
Nocturnal Poisoning. There's a beginning and a possible end there if it doesn't wholly immerse you. If it does, check out the albums bookending that one and possibly his newer works.
I've not been listening to much BM in '08 as of yet.Trad doom,OSDM & Joy division are taking most of my time.Only listened to some Bilskirnir,not that good or original but not bad either.What do you guys think of them?