Black Metal.

haha, i don't really blame you. i only listened to it once. i don't think you will be blown away by it, though. it's really not as bad as i am making it sound i was just expecting a little bit more. it's got girl balls, not man balls
Listening to the Misery's Omen myspace. I really like the track "That Which Lies Beyond." Very unique. But the song "And the Stars Bled" turned me off with the progginess, except for the parts that sounded exactly like Leviathan (US).
you can actually hear the bass pretty good in the mix and the bass player is just kinda noodling out his own thing like he's stoned and not paying attention. i don't see how the track is unique, though (referring to "that which lies beyond"). at about the 4:30 mark they start pretending to be pink floyd then they go back into the metulz
the song "fiendish ghoul" is pretty cool. they are all about sounding like the band Root and then they start all this jolly clapping. it is the first time i have heard clapping in a black metal tune. again the bass is pretty clear in the mix
Just checking Metalseek, found this:

Khold - Hundre Ar Gammal - To be released in June 09th

Don't know what you guys think about them, but I really like their "Krek" album. I'll definitely check this new one. TBH I thought they wouldn't release any more records.
Does anyone ever feel a bit bummed that Harald Helgeson left Enslaved after Eld? I really do feel, that aside from Trym being a great speed drummer, Helgeson was definitely the best and most versatile drummer in Enslaved's history. Far better than Cato imo.
Yeah I thought it was nice sounding but I doubt it'll make my top ten albums of 08 list or anything...I should probably check it out in full soon.