Black Metal.

Then it's probably not different from the three I mentioned.

Below the Lights, Isa and Ruun are pretty solid records, I just don't get tired of listening to them. Definitely worth trying them.

They are all filled with progressive elements, while still keeping the dark atmosphere. Their link with black metal seems to be getting weaker with each release, though.

Now I want to get some of their old shit (will try Blodhemn for sure).
yeah I didn't really care for Isa or Ruun much. Below The Lights has some pretty good tracks. But it doesn't beat VV, Frost or anything else prior to Below the Lights
Misery's Omen - Hope Dies will not be beat for best BM album of '08. Probably best BM album I have heard in a long fucking time tbh.

And what an awesome album cover.


I'll be checking this out soon.
i just listened to that misery's omen cd after i noticed all the good things said about it. the review at MA was really fellating it, too. well, i liked it, but nowhere near as much as i thought i was gonna. to be honest it was almost a chore getting through the whole thing. the "progressive" parts were nice but almost unnecessary. i'll give it some more spins but it's certainly not a masterpiece. i'd give it something like a 6/10 on first listen.
it's a mix of "light" black metal, a bit of doom and stuff that is the quasi-progressive bits that make you think of the gay parts of opeth.