Black Metal.

kil, tagging those definitely is hard. I have the correct tags on my CD editions but it took a hell of a long time to figure it out. What I wonder is why did Shamaatae authorize the 2CD version of Kampen for the reissue if that was originally a mistake by his shitty record label?
kil, tagging those definitely is hard. I have the correct tags on my CD editions but it took a hell of a long time to figure it out.

The other albums weren't difficult for me. All the information is readily available and correct in FreeDB. :p
Kampen is a pain because every fucking pressing appears to have at least a slightly different track listing.

What I wonder is why did Shamaatae authorize the 2CD version of Kampen for the reissue if that was originally a mistake by his shitty record label?

Anyone here like Baptism? Awesome, sorrow-tinged black metal with perfect black metal production. The Beherial Midnight and Morbid Wings of Sathanas are amazing albums.
Fuck, I just rediscovered how great Two Hunters is. Are there any other band similar to Wolves In The Throne Room style of epic, post-rock influenced black metal?
I'd recommend something if that description sounded like Wolves in the Throne Room's music. Not everything with long-form songs was influenced by post-rock, and their music doesn't sound like it was structurally.
The songs/album is structured in a almost cinematic way that get a post-rock vibe to the record but I see where you are coming from. Anyways, please recommend something.
If you haven't listened to Weakling, they're definitely extremely similar, but generally more aggressive. I really don't like the vocals in Weakling, though it's not because they're bad so much as just a personal dislike for them.

It would also be worth it to check out bands like Negură Bunget, Drudkh and Walknut if you haven't, because they have a somewhat similar atmosphere that's really organic and sorrowful, though they don't all sound the same.
Listen to the song on MySpace while simultaneously reading this review.

Official MySpace:

To quote a review I did:
Walknut is a new project that's gained quite a bit of attention in the Russian black metal scene. As this band was formed by members of bands from the legendary Blazebirth Hall, there was extremely high expectations for this release. They've definitely met, and quite possibly exceeded, those expectations.

This is black metal done the right way. There's so much mediocre music these days, and a lot of it's very boring and often quite derivitive. Then we have gems such as this one, bands which can create something truly new, unique and even quite beautiful.

These guys know what they're doing. The guitars and keyboards on this album are effortlessly played to create the kind of atmosphere most bands these days can only dream of being able to replicate. Everything is extremely solid and played perfectly.

The vocals on this album carry a definite sense of mourning and loss, which really works well with this type of black metal, provided the vocalist isn't overbearing. In a genre where vocals can make or break a piece of music, these are definitely a highlight for me.

Reading through the booklet definitely gave me an even greater appreciation for what they're doing. The lyrics are about old Russian folklore and the landscape of their beautiful homeland. There's a definite focus on celebrating the rich history of their native heritage.

The music can be very repetitive, but not in a bad way. This is that Burzum kind of repetition, that hypnotic kind of repetition that sucks you in and makes you really feel the atmosphere. That's not to say that Walknut is a Burzum clone, because that's far from the truth. They play a highly refined and perfect version of the Blazebirth Hall kind of black metal. If you've listened to the bands from this group, you know what to expect. I don't even have to tell you that it's fresh and original. They've been making quality black metal for years, and they definitely aren't stopping now.

If you've been reading for this long, you should have a pretty good idea what to expect, although hearing the music will probably be much more satisfying than reading about it, whether you're interested in the Blazebirth Hall bands or just some unique and beautiul atmospheric black metal.
Anyone here like Baptism? Awesome, sorrow-tinged black metal with perfect black metal production. The Beherial Midnight and Morbid Wings of Sathanas are amazing albums.

I should give Morbid Wings of Sathanas another chance. I believe I listened to it once after buying it when it was first released and it didn't really impress me much at all. I used to love Wisdom & Hate back then though. Perhaps I'll dust them both off tonight, it's been fucking ages.