Black Metal.

Varg's so good at ripping off other black metal bands that he can do it and record music in their style before they even form, apparently.
no because Burzum ripped off Elvis too!

They both disappeared when they got popular, sounds like a gimmick.
That top 100 list is the one with Gehenna's Seen Through the Veil of Darkness very high on it. Good move, I'd say, as it is indeed one of the best Norwegian Black Metal albums, and often unmentioned in those terms., that's a band I literally haven't listened to in about five years. I remember really liking them at one point, and then giving up on them.

Anyhow, I am currently listening to Neo Inferno 262's "Hacking the Holy Code" and it sounds excellent so far, it will easily make my top 10 of 2008 if the rest of the album holds up - great industrial/black metal!
I must hear this.

According to metal-archives:
"It seems that this project has several members from established Black Metal bands like Antaeus, Arkhon Infaustus"

I'm definitely placing it in my top 10 of this year, and it might even be my favourite of 2008.
Anyhow, I am currently listening to Neo Inferno 262's "Hacking the Holy Code" and it sounds excellent so far, it will easily make my top 10 of 2008 if the rest of the album holds up - great industrial/black metal!

You are my hero, Ars. I checked their myspace page and this is the kind of Black Metal I crave. Finally a band besides Aborym and Blacklodge take a techno/industrial drum computer and apply it to Black Metal. Not enough bands employ this formula. And it's not surprise a band of this nature is coming from France, the haven of industrial black metal.

I'm picking this album up very soon.
You are my hero, Ars. I checked their myspace page and this is the kind of Black Metal I crave. Finally a band besides Aborym and Blacklodge take a techno/industrial drum computer and apply it to Black Metal. Not enough bands employ this formula. And it's not surprise a band of this nature is coming from France, the haven of industrial black metal.

I'm picking this album up very soon.

Yes, I need to buy this album too! I believe the song on their myspace is a rough version of the third track on the album.

The song, "A Needle in Your Eardrum" is a killer track! The least black metal of the bunch, purely electronic, but it's an eerie song with an awesome dance-floor beat. I absolutely love it!
Some of my favorite Aborym songs are the non-metal electronica tracks. I just ordered this through Necrocosm.

You've checked out Aborym, I take it?
I listened to Aboyrm's "Generator" album a couple years ago, but I don't remember what exactly I thought of it. I know you speak highly of them, and that album, so I think I'll give it another listen. I don't believe I've heard much else from them though, is "Generator" their best release?
It is, but it's the only one with a live drummer (Faust from Emperor). If you're more into the computerized drums you should check their back catalogue. You won't be disappointed with any album.
You mean Kampen, right? I can PM you the track listing if you need help.

Yes, and please do. Thanks.

Edit: Fuck, I know what I did. I mixed up the files between Kampen and Kostogher. I'm retarded.

Edit 2: ...And now I have 12 tracks for Kampen, the last three (from the second disc) without titles. That's one more track than the archives list.
Done. Let me know if there's anything else you need.

EDIT: Oops, the PM I just sent will help you.