Black Metal.

OK Alter I gave your Rahu demo a listen. It was pretty cool, but nothing mindblowing. I think you hype some things a bit too much, such as that Avsolutized album you made me buy.

I await your opinion on Blacklodge.

Okay, now that I am sober, here is a good response. Rahu might take some time to get into. Everything about that demo is interesting and the melodies are very strange. I personally like it. Though, I do not over hype albums that I enjoy. Keep listening to both Rahu and Avsolutized, hopefully something will happen and you will enjoy them more.

Blacklodge was really good. Some parts were not really "fucked up" but pretty intense. I am going to look into these guys more.
Can anyone recomend some stuff similar to Ad Hominem or Hate Forest?
(apart from all the basic knowledge bands)

If you like Hate Forest, check out Walknut. It would also be a safe bet to check out Astrofaes, except their most recent full-length.

I haven't really listened to Ad Hominem.
Has anyone listened to Craft - Total Soul Rape? I have Terror Propaganda and Fuck The Universe but wondering how it compares?
Terror Propaganda > Total Soul Rape > Fuck the Universe imo. If you like the other ones you will like Total Soul Rape too, it is pretty much exactly the same style.
Terror Propaganda > Total Soul Rape > Fuck the Universe imo. If you like the other ones you will like Total Soul Rape too, it is pretty much exactly the same style.

Ah, see i love Fuck The Universe, one of my most favorite cds. Either way, don't think one can go wrong with CRAFT.
Blacklodge was really good. Some parts were not really "fucked up" but pretty intense. I am going to look into these guys more.

What I gave you was their best work. Look out for their split with Abigor coming out later this year.

Also, Behexen's My Soul for His Glory is quickly becoming one of my favorite Black Metal releases of 2008. Anyone else agree?
About Avsolutized, it's very good when they stick to the basics. However, the high scream vocals get old quickly and so do the transitions within the songs. I'd rather hear a musical transition between sections in the song than have random moments of silence filled with whimpers and operatic screams.
I never did find that Avsolutized album online. I'm still curious about what it sounds like.
It's nothing too out of the ordinary. It's Setherial-influenced, well-produced Black Metal with a drum computer and odd screams. It's enjoyable, but there are better things worth pursuit.
I know, but I can't really say that it's not as good as he says it is, which is something I looked forward to saying, until I actually hear it.