Black Metal.

So what makes the new Nachtmystium sound like Pink Floyd? Riffs, atmosphere, etc..? I know I should've listened to Nachtmystium by now but I'm just interested in the comparisons.
I'm getting into Celtic Frost now, I've heard Nocturnal Fear an Procreation of The Wicked and liked both songs. I'll be getting Morbid Tales-Emperor's Return sometime soon.
i haven't actually listened to them but they got absolutely horrendous reviews on MA and all of those people really can't be wrong. check it out for a laugh.

my favorite is this one:

Is this Anal Blasted Putrefaction?
hmmm..... generic black metal mixed with random techno beats..... oh well that pretty much describe 99% of the industrial black metal bands :S

...except Aborym and Mysticum of course.
Anyone who likes Blacklodge/Aborym/etc. should check out Neo Inferno 262.

I ordered their new album a week ago. Fun stuff.

hmmm..... generic black metal mixed with random techno beats..... oh well that pretty much describe 99% of the industrial black metal bands :S

...except Aborym and Mysticum of course.


I wish more industrial black metal was like that, since the formula has so much potential as demonstrated by Blacklodge. Very few bands actually lay programmed techno beats on top of Black Metal riffs.

To say that industrial black metal is a very limited sub-genre in terms of style is to say the same for all forms of industrial music. Take any style of industrial, electronica or techno and combine it with Black Metal, there are dozens of combinations. A few bands here and there have been tapping into this, mainly in France.

I will say, though, that Aborym and Mysticum do represent the epitome of the genre, right up there with Blacklodge.

in before Zeph.

To the rescue once again.
I liked a little of Aborym and liked all of Mysticum but didn't like Blacklodge, so I'm not sure which Industrial black metal band to listen to next depending on my likes.
Mysticum is the most accessible of the three. Aborym and Blacklodge are a lot harder to get into. Took myself a while, but my patience paid off and now they are some of my all-time favorite bands.

Derek, another industrial black metal classic is Samael - Ceremony of Opposites. You'd dig that.

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