Black Metal.

need some help, trying to get back into symphonic black metal but bands like dimmu, satyricon, old man's child and so on, don't do it for me anymore. just how can I get into this genre again? any symphonic black metal bands I should get into?
need some help, trying to get back into symphonic black metal but bands like dimmu, satyricon, old man's child and so on, don't do it for me anymore. just how can I get into this genre again? any symphonic black metal bands I should get into?

Bishop of Hexen
Nokturnal Mortum
Eh, i ordered Behexen: By the Blessing of Satan and My Soul for His Glory and Horna - Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne. Fuck it.
That's the album where Samael introduced the industrial aesthetic. You can sense it in the mechanical drumming (done by a live drummer, it was the last album to do so) and the synthesizers.
Proto-industrial black metal? There are obvious industrial influence on that record. And like I said before, it's a very broad definition to call something industrial-this and -that.
Just because it has "mechanical" drumming doesn't make it industrial at all. There is nothing on that that sounds like detached, inhuman, synthetic and emotionless industrial black metal. It's pretty much semi-symphonic BM. And it's also really good.
Plenty of industrial black metal has human drumming, yet it still manages to capture that mechanical aesthetic. The genre doesn't have to sound completely lifeless in order to be called "industrial".
And nowhere did I say that industrial black metal can't have human drumming, just that the drumming alone does not make a band industrial. To be honest, Samael were never "industrial black metal".
Drumming is one of the defining factors of industrial black metal. You take away those mechanical rhythms and techno beats from bands like Mysticum and Blacklodge, and they'd sound A LOT more like standard Black Metal.
If ya feel like it, anyone wanna reccomend me a raw minimalist black metal band? Not necessarily minimalist as in simple music, but minimalistic production, not many instruments, and subdued instrumentations. Like the 2nd wave stuff, as opposed to the very big sounding music from the bands that came after.

Bonus if I could actually find their shit in mainstream stores. But I think you could probably count the number of black metal bands you can find in stores on one hand... Dimmu, Cradle of Filth, Wolves in the Throne Room... any others? I couldn't even find Burzum at places that had metal sections...
I discovered Desolation Triumphalis for myself. Another good black metal band from France. They have this melody in their music, that makes it special, sorowful and you know - beautiful. Pretty 'dense' vocals and riifs. Too bad they are split-up. This Arcane of Supreme Rise song is awesome.