Black Metal.

Anybody like Striborg? I just downloaded Spiritual Catharsis and it sounds pretty interesting so far. Also, somebody mentioned Kataxu - Hunger of Elements a while back. I just got that one too and I'm liking it so far. Thanks for the rec. :)

That would be me :D

Its a brilliant album. According to Supernal, a new album is due this year sometime. Can't wait.
Damn, I really want that album. Even though it's over 13 minutes long and progresses very little, "In My Dungeon!" is one of the best black metal songs I've ever heard and never seems long enough. I swear to you, it will be the next album I buy, whether I have to save my money until I find it or I can convince my parents to lend me their credit card and get it off the net.
Yeah CD is really good, but it's kind of goofy. I like the part in Black Skull Crushing Metal where some random clean vocals go "BLAAAACK! SKULL CRUSHIIIIING! MEH...TAAAAAAAAAAL!"
Sirius win the most boring cover in the world award for this effort:

I find the music pretty boring as well, I wonder if they made it match on purpose.