Black Metal.

A lot of folk here in Israel listen to Graveland and go out of their way to convince local retailers to import their albums. So far they have been unsuccessful,but who knows what the future holds. YeaAnd I like apocalyptic marching music with provocative lyrics hence I'm friends with Hitler:.rrrightttt.......:rolleyes: Fuck stupid stereotypes and the people who create them:mad:
Wow. I wouldn't expect that. Does anyone over there listen to Nokturnal Mortum?
i've never heard any graveland.. i wouldn't really feel comfortable listening to NSBM, but mehh i've been curious about them for a long time.

don't limit yourself based on a band's lyrical/ideological perspective. There's a lot of really great music out there that's considered NSBM. Fanisk, Graveland, Nokturnal Mortum, Hate Forest, etc...
I think we all go through a phase of avoiding NSBM at some point. I certainly did. I even refused to buy Burzum albums at first because of it being Cymophane Records... and now, a number of years later, I'm about to buy Kataxu and more music from No Colours Records ... :erk:

EDIT: additionally, I find that very little NSBM (lyrically/musically) actually promotes their politics and racism. It comes though more via album titles, occasional artworks, but mostly through merchandising.

Personally I think NSBM (philosophically) is probably weaker than ever.
same here. plus, I could really care less. there's only a few bands that I'm really interested in seeing what it is they're blathering on about.
I try to read them all. I read all the linear notes, everything. Before that though, especially with a new band that I'm getting into, I'll read every interview and review I can find, as well as the band's website.

I still read Varg's writings onn, even though many aren't neccessarily directly related to Burzum itself, I do find that it deepens the experience.
well yeah, I'll read reviews and linear notes, but if the lyrics are in a different language and I can't find the lyrics in english online, I'm not going out of my way to see what they're saying
Wow. I wouldn't expect that. Does anyone over there listen to Nokturnal Mortum?
I know many thaty do. I don't since they often sing in my native tongue, which makes for an extremely awkward experience(iwhether it's weird or not, but independent of the lyrics I simply can't tolerate bands that sing in Russian. It just completely demystifyes the music, making it sound goofy). As for Graveland I've never really found them to be that awe-inspiring. I'd rather listen to Summoning.
Infester, Lemming Project- now these provocative bands are actually really interesting to me musically speaking and I can't make out what they're singing about anyway so I feel comfortable listening to them.
Also some non-metal bands like Puissance and Triarii may appear fascist but they're not. Triarii celebrate Roman victories and Puissance only sport this outlook(the destruction of humanity, totalitarian regime, etc) but are reviewed on metal-observer- a site that doesn't tolerate Nazi propaganda, so I feel my conscience is clear thus far.
don't limit yourself based on a band's lyrical/ideological perspective.

Or, do. It's not like there's something wrong with choosing not to listen to bands whose ideologies you're opposed to, whether you can "make out the lyrics" or not.
Or, do. It's not like there's something wrong with choosing not to listen to bands whose ideologies you're opposed to, whether you can "make out the lyrics" or not.

you're right, there isn't anything wrong with it...I just don't want another black metal fan missing out on what could potentially be a really good band. It's not like I was saying, "OMG you're an ignorant assclown!!1"...I was merely making a suggestion that he might want to check out some NS bands in spite of their views.
you're right, there isn't anything wrong with it...I just don't want another black metal fan missing out on what could potentially be a really good band. It's not like I was saying, "OMG you're an ignorant assclown!!1"...I was merely making a suggestion that he might want to check out some NS bands in spite of their views.

Fair enough. I would submit that there are so many good bands running around these days whom no one has time to really absorb, that one might not "miss out" that much by skipping a few bands made up of, say, murderous Nazi thug retards.
if anything i may just download a graveland album. I'd never support a NSBM band. I can tolerate fantasy/satanism but when you start putting Nationalist views in music i just dont want to hear it.(which is why i can listen to burzum, the lyrics don't have anything to do with Nationalism)