Black Metal.

^ for sure, I agree 100%.

Admittedly, it took a little while for me to realise the difference between the two. As with many other things, the Reich made the term Nationalism dirty which is a shame. People now view it as extremism, and it's not.
Nationalism is okay.

National Socialism is not. And race pride is a fucking joke.

National SOcialism ISN'T strictly Nazism. And racial pride, as in skin color pride, is indeed a joke. Pride in other things like nationality, ethnicity, etc isn't obviously.
Or, do. It's not like there's something wrong with choosing not to listen to bands whose ideologies you're opposed to, whether you can "make out the lyrics" or not.

Or don't, because ideologies aren't evil malignant viruses threatening to kill you. Music is more deep than some "words" ever could be.

I've been threatened with a ban for discussing them.
Nope. Some small forum, where they discuss metal and all stuff like hardcore, metalcore etc.

Well, what actually made me mad is that all I did - just named a band and said that it's NSMB, i didn't showed them their lyrics or quote them. It's just that they see propaganding in anything. Once I said soem thing like "one of them was gay and other one - normal" - and they said that I'm descriminating gays and were putting me in shit for 2 pages...

It's Russia, in Moscow a lot of skinheads who kill colored people just during the day time, in the center of the city, in the subway. They've already killed a few of eastern kids too. It's like everyday somebody's getting killed or beaten in Moscow, for nasionalistic reasons. So nazism is pretty "painful" topic for them. But still... What the moderators do - is dumb. They have to see the differece between propaganding and recommendation.
black metal is just terrible.. just aweful :(

except maybe a few bands which I still find something nice about but it could be just for nostalgic reasons..