Black Metal.

So, I have been listening to the Tenth Sub Level Of Suicide that last few days, trying to get into it. One thing that I do not like so much is how damn long it is. 1 hour and 10 minutes is a bit much. SMRC is longer but has 3 sections that can be broken down. There are some really great parts but it takes a lot of listening to get to them. I really enjoy the last few tracks of the album. The end quarter or maybe third of the album is my favorite thus far. I thought the vocals were pretty cool. The screams do not resemble words in any way, but they sound quite tortured and fit the overall mood of the album.
So, I have been listening to the Tenth Sub Level Of Suicide that last few days, trying to get into it. One thing that I do not like so much is how damn long it is. 1 hour and 10 minutes is a bit much. SMRC is longer but has 3 sections that can be broken down. There are some really great parts but it takes a lot of listening to get to them. I really enjoy the last few tracks of the album. The end quarter or maybe third of the album is my favorite thus far. I thought the vocals were pretty cool. The screams do not resemble words in any way, but they sound quite tortured and fit the overall mood of the album.
Fucking Your Ghost in Chains of Ice is great, that's the only song I heard from that Leviathan album.
So, I have been listening to the Tenth Sub Level Of Suicide that last few days, trying to get into it. One thing that I do not like so much is how damn long it is. 1 hour and 10 minutes is a bit much. SMRC is longer but has 3 sections that can be broken down. There are some really great parts but it takes a lot of listening to get to them. I really enjoy the last few tracks of the album. The end quarter or maybe third of the album is my favorite thus far. I thought the vocals were pretty cool. The screams do not resemble words in any way, but they sound quite tortured and fit the overall mood of the album.

It'll grow on you.
I wasn't too fond of it. I can bear KOK if I feel like it, but I usually never finish a whole song, just skim. I have better black metal to listen to.
Just listened to limbonic art's "the ultimate death worship" and its a really, really good symphonic black metal album. I always thought symphonic black metal was shit, but this album has changed my mind!
Just listened to limbonic art's "the ultimate death worship" and its a really, really good symphonic black metal album. I always thought symphonic black metal was shit, but this album has changed my mind!

Awesome album indeed. And yes there is some truly excellent symphonic black metal out there beyond the Cradle of Borgir facade.
How underground do you like your Black metal? I find for black metal especially, (although it is true for me for all metal) I like things that are way underground. If I can easily find it in stores, that is a a turn off for me. I guess it's just the underground feeling that I like.
^ I agree, but the reason that I like lesser known bands is that they aren't yet too tarnished by the music business. They are totally experimental and raw. I also find they are more free to expand as they wish, and can take more risks.