Black Metal.

seriously. I have to look even harder to find a decent REAL underground black metal band. there's a couple here in Los Angeles that are really good. but having listened to some demos and stuff of unsigned bands, there are a lot of shitty underground/unsigned bands.

but the ones that are good are the diamonds in the rough. totally worth the search.
I like Black Metal bands that aren't just fuzz and noise (unless it's Ambient, in which case they can get away with it). Like lo-fi is cool and all, but if all I hear is an odd drum crash and a lot of static things kinnda... wow... it's not even music anymore.
The first Burzum album is very much "precursive" of what was to come, that is, Varg still getting his feet wet. By the time we get to Aske, he's started to settle in.
Glad you liked it. I'll lend you Hvis Lyset Tar Oss at anytime.

As for my own pursuits, how is Det Some En Gang Var as compared to later releases?

I love DSEV.

Hey check this out. New list of the "10 Worst Black Metal Albums of All Time".

A few eye-openers indeed.

Saw this quite a while ago. The guy is kind if an idiot. A lot of the things on that website are stupid.
Glad you liked it. I'll lend you Hvis Lyset Tar Oss at anytime.

As for my own pursuits, how is Det Some En Gang Var as compared to later releases?

Exceptional, an outstanding album, imo worth it alone for Naar Himmelen Klarner. The album also opens with what I consider one of the darkest pieces of electronic music of all time.

Don't even ask more questions Zeph - buy it :kickass:
I listened to Burzrum - Filosofem last night. On first listen it was pretty good and definitely sounds like a grower.

Opposite for me. Great album, don't get me wrong, but I liked it more when i first heard it than I do now. Jesus Tod and Dunkelheit are classic tracks for sure.
Det Som Engang Var is easily his worst Black Metal album, but frankly, that's saying quite a lot.