Black Metal.

Tell me how's it? Is it good?

I'm on track 8 right now, and so far I'd say it's pretty 'average.' I'd hate to ruin the anticipation for you, but you still might enjoy it. I am a fan of them but I prefer their earlier stuff, except I did enjoy Nocturnal Beast of their more recent ones.

And maybe it's because it's likely a promo but the production values could be better (the vocals are a bit high in the mix, and the guitar pushed to the back a bit, and the drums aren't particularly interesting either). Just more of the same I guess, nothing special about the album.
I like their older stuff too, Enter the Moonlight Gate is an example of their older material which is a masterpeice, i love that album. Anyway, i'm downloading it right now, and i will listen to it tomorrow.
Has anybody around here heard the new Odal yet? How does it compare to the previous album?