Black Metal.

Sat. April 23, 2005 12:48 PM
TO: saiihtam (e-mail address removed)
SUBJECT: Re: Witch Taint Rising

dear saiihtam,

first, of all i want to thank you for continuing to test me. were i a lesser man or not as completely black as i am, i might have taken your comments as suggesting that you don't believe in the mighty power and extreme blackness of witch taint. since you have heard our music however, i know you are fully aware that we are indeed the future of black metal and that your comments are only intended to anger and sadden me so that i might have even more fuel to become the most powerful and influential figure ever to be a part of the black metal community. and that is precisely why i am glad that you will be working for us. i am thinking a fall release, just as the leaves are changing and the earthly death that is winter cackles in the distance. i would like to have two record release "parties", one in oslo and one in my hometown of gary, indiana, where i am the king of black metal. both "parties" will involve a single goat, tethered to a tree with the letters "WT" painted on its side in pig's blood. these letters, of course, will stand for witch taint, the greatest and blackest band in all of black metal. we will string up loudspeakers in the trees near the goat. at precisely midnight, the infernal sounds of our crushing debut will begin to play at a volume never before acheived by modern man. and that is when i and the members of mysticum will appear on the horizon on horseback. we will approach the goat, coming just close enough that our faces become dappled with the reflection of dancing flames (oh yeah, we should have a fire near the goat. i forgot to mention this). we will sit motionless on the horses (we will have one for each of us) until the final track of our legendary debut is finished. then we will turn and ride off into the distance, leaving the tethered goat shivering in the night. someone is going to have to come and get the goat eventually because it will probably be a rental. maybe we could have the drummer from mysticum do this since he won't be on horseback with us. he should totally come to the party though. just because he can't be a member of witch taint, doeesn't mean he shouldn't be able to witness the majesty. i don't want to be a total dick to the guy or anything.

please give my regards to your family. i imagine they are pretty excited that you are about to be a part of black metal history by working with the mighty taint.

blacker than even the blackest of the black,
a lot of those bands herd
and do have the Grand Belial's Key
A Witness to the Regicide - CD-R
Mocking the Philanthropist - CD
Judeobeast Assassination - CD
Castrate the Redeemer - CD
Kosherat - CD
and their other group

I only have Judeobeast Assassination. How are their other releases compared to this and which one should I get next?
I only have Judeobeast Assassination. How are their other releases compared to this and which one should I get next?

Mocking the Philanthropist
would be the one to get
found it Moribund Records in Washington very fast shipping great place, been going through them for a long time
as for your other question, it is more or less the same as Judeobeast
Mocking the Philanthropist
would be the one to get
found it Moribund Records in Washington very fast shipping great place, been going through them for a long time
as for your other question, it is more or less the same as Judeobeast

Or Castrate the Redeemer (as VVVVV said) since it's almost Mocking the the philanthropist and a Witness to the regicide together.
Sat. April 23, 2005 12:48 PM
TO: saiihtam (e-mail address removed)
SUBJECT: Re: Witch Taint Rising

dear saiihtam,

first, of all i want to thank you for continuing to test me. were i a lesser man or not as completely black as i am, i might have taken your comments as suggesting that you don't believe in the mighty power and extreme blackness of witch taint. since you have heard our music however, i know you are fully aware that we are indeed the future of black metal and that your comments are only intended to anger and sadden me so that i might have even more fuel to become the most powerful and influential figure ever to be a part of the black metal community. and that is precisely why i am glad that you will be working for us. i am thinking a fall release, just as the leaves are changing and the earthly death that is winter cackles in the distance. i would like to have two record release "parties", one in oslo and one in my hometown of gary, indiana, where i am the king of black metal. both "parties" will involve a single goat, tethered to a tree with the letters "WT" painted on its side in pig's blood. these letters, of course, will stand for witch taint, the greatest and blackest band in all of black metal. we will string up loudspeakers in the trees near the goat. at precisely midnight, the infernal sounds of our crushing debut will begin to play at a volume never before acheived by modern man. and that is when i and the members of mysticum will appear on the horizon on horseback. we will approach the goat, coming just close enough that our faces become dappled with the reflection of dancing flames (oh yeah, we should have a fire near the goat. i forgot to mention this). we will sit motionless on the horses (we will have one for each of us) until the final track of our legendary debut is finished. then we will turn and ride off into the distance, leaving the tethered goat shivering in the night. someone is going to have to come and get the goat eventually because it will probably be a rental. maybe we could have the drummer from mysticum do this since he won't be on horseback with us. he should totally come to the party though. just because he can't be a member of witch taint, doeesn't mean he shouldn't be able to witness the majesty. i don't want to be a total dick to the guy or anything.

please give my regards to your family. i imagine they are pretty excited that you are about to be a part of black metal history by working with the mighty taint.

blacker than even the blackest of the black,

I forgot to mention that this is an email from the band Witch Taint when trying to get signed to Planet Satan Revolution. The whole convo is over-the-top funny.
I've been digging Finnish black metal lately, namely Azaghal, Behexen and Horna. Any other notable black metal bands out of Finland? I have yet to check out Clandestine Blaze.
I've been digging Finnish black metal lately, namely Azaghal, Behexen and Horna. Any other notable black metal bands out of Finland? I have yet to check out Clandestine Blaze.

Rahu's first demo, Caput Draconis, is one of the best things I have heard in a while. Very strange choice of melodies, but nothing over-the-top. The new demo is also worth looking into but is nowhere near the first one and is rather average.
I have Satanic Warmaster and was looking to get Impaled Nazarene - Ugra Karma but didn't feel like dropping $18 + on it. Will check the rest out, thanks.
I've been digging Finnish black metal lately, namely Azaghal, Behexen and Horna. Any other notable black metal bands out of Finland? I have yet to check out Clandestine Blaze.

One of the guys in Azaghal has a band called Wyrd, though I think the earliest albums are definitely the only ones that are really good, especially Huldrafolk.