Black Metal.

Pretty much. I'm not a big fan of the depressive except for old Bethlehem and I'm not even sure if they are considered a part of that subgenre.

Yeah, Bethlehem's first two albums rule.

I'm not much into the depressive stuff either but Xasthur's Nocturnal Poisoning is pretty awesome.
Listening to Blut aus Nord's MoRT right now. I've had this for awhile and haven't gotten around to getting any of their other material. What else from them is worth picking up?
Start with the classics...

Burzum - Filosofem
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark

immortal - pure holocaust
beherit - drawing down the moon
sacramentum - far away from the sun
enslaved - vikingligr veldi
graveland - thousand swords

also 'filosofem' might be the most accessible burzum but it definitely isn't the most classic, you should give 'hvis lyset tar oss' a listen as well because it's probably the most well acclaimed BM record of them all.
Maybe that's because Nocturnal Depression is stupid and worthless, not to mention there's nothing about them that stands out as original or unique.