Black Metal.

That's like saying Pain of Salvation could do with some blast beats.

That doesn't make sense, I'm a massive Pain Of Salvation fan and I have no idea why ADDING blast beats to progressive metal has anything to do with slightly improving the listenability of a black metal album, now I'm sure you have no idea about black metal OR progressive metal.

Blackmail - Ease up turbo, its just my opinion on how the album sounds, I didn't say I don't like it, I said I would like it improved. You don't have to act like a kvlt kiddie all the time.
Blackmail - Ease up turbo, its just my opinion on how the album sounds, I didn't say I don't like it, I said I would like it improved. You don't have to act like a kvlt kiddie all the time.

That's how blackmail rolls. Don't go tryin' ta change her. She's rad.

That said I think a "little more bass and a little less fuzz" is generally a good idea. Haven't heard the album in question though
Anyone dig Annthennath? I've always been curious to see what Shaxul has been up to after leaving DSO, and Subhuman Terrorism was impressive, to say the least. And their new LP has leaked too, anyone heard that yet?
Blackmail - Ease up turbo, its just my opinion on how the album sounds, I didn't say I don't like it, I said I would like it improved. You don't have to act like a kvlt kiddie all the time.

I don't see how liking the way something sounds makes me a kvlt kiddie, especially when it wouldn't sound the way Ildjarn intended for it to sound if it was cleaner, and I don't think it would be as effective.

That's how blackmail rolls. Don't go tryin' ta change her. She's rad.


It's true.

Anyone care give to give me a shortlist of the best black metal albums of the year? As I haven't really been paying any attention to new releases.
Anyone care give to give me a shortlist of the best black metal albums of the year? As I haven't really been paying any attention to new releases.

See below.

Here's my ranking of everything I've heard so far this year...

1. Behexen - My Soul For His Glory
2. Leviathan - Massive Conspiracy Against All Life
3. Nachtmystium - Assassins: Black Meddle Part 1
4. Veneficium - De Occulta Philosophia: A Missae Tenebrae
5. Averse Sefira - Advent Parallax
6. Darkspace - Dark Space III
7. Mord - Necrosodomic Abyss
8. I Shalt Become - Requiem
9. Avsolutized - Den Svarta Vandans Genealogi
10. Abomino Aetas - Sower of Death
That doesn't make sense, I'm a massive Pain Of Salvation fan and I have no idea why ADDING blast beats to progressive metal has anything to do with slightly improving the listenability of a black metal album, now I'm sure you have no idea about black metal OR progressive metal.

Blackmail - Ease up turbo, its just my opinion on how the album sounds, I didn't say I don't like it, I said I would like it improved. You don't have to act like a kvlt kiddie all the time.

It is just something that would generally ruin the feel of the music is the point I was going for.
I agree with you about Dark Space III, although a certain person with 5 V's in his account name would disagree.
I agree with you about Dark Space III, although a certain person with 5 V's in his account name would disagree.

It's good, but I have only heard it a few times. I can see where the detractors are coming from when they call it 'redundant' but I think this assessment is at least partially unfair. Sure it is very similar to their past works, but it also seems have its own voice; I can't pin it down with any precision at this point because, frankly I haven't had enough time to absorb it.
The first two albums are both pretty different from each other, though they share some characteristics and use some of the same ideas. The new one is sort of between the two in sound and style.
Thanks to a recommendation from Neurotica, I checked out Gris and they're great. Kind of like a mix of Thy Light and Demise era Nachtmystium. I'll return the favor and recommend another French-Canadian depressive black metal band: Forteresse

Forteresse definitely isn't depressive black metal, unless bands like Drudkh are also depressive black metal. However, they're really good and I also like Gris.