Black Metal.


i don't really have a comprehensive list about everything that everyone else has said

xasthur > burzum

that's what i say
yeah i did re-read it and i know i got it way wrong. i always just assume v5 will come storming in and delete all my posts anyways so i didn't bother editing.
I'm tried many times to get into it but I can't. I like some Satyricon, 1349, and Dimmu Borgir, but the rest, not a fan. I've listened to Burzum, Emperor, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Agalloch (not straight up black metal, though), Wolves In The Throne Room, Enslaved, Gorgoroth, Naglfar, Immortal, and other bm bands, I didn't like them at all.
At the Opeth show last night, Akerfeldt said,

"In Sweden there are no knock-knock jokes. Only penis size and gay jokes. I have a samll penis...

..but it does the job"