Black Metal.

Noooo... I didn't mean it that way.

I've liked them for some years now, and no one ever seemed to take much notice of them whenever I mentioned them. Since TGSR came out, they seem to have got more attention, at least I've noticed it around here anyway. It's a good thing.
^ lol - definitely agree on that one. Their photos have always been awful. I think Kriegtalith does their art direction etc, I can't recall.

Regardless though, they've been very under-rated for a long time, and I think they offer something good to Black Metal in that their are unique representatives of their culture/ethnicity in the Black Metal field. This doesn't show quite as much with their material now, it did more back when they did Sary Oy. Nevertheless, they continue to express their culture well through their lyrical focus.
I've been on this ridiculous non stop black metal binge lately. I'm about to run to the record store down the road and grab a couple random bands I've seen mentioned that I think seem interesting. It's rare I hear a black metal band I don't like. Some lacks. But my collection is not great. I feel like runnin to the basement and recording some shit. Maybe I'll get signed... Ok doubt it. But seriously I love black metal. I've always been kind of a death metal guy, but black metal is so much more emotive, dark, atmospheric...
I have returned. I got Shining-"V", Horna-"Pimeyden Hehku", Necronoclast-"Monument", and Behexen-"My Soul For His Glory". Listening to Necronoclast right now, and I'm rather enjoyin myself. Plus the old lady's makin sammiches. I'm in bliss.
I have returned. I got Shining-"V", Horna-"Pimeyden Hehku", Necronoclast-"Monument", and Behexen-"My Soul For His Glory". Listening to Necronoclast right now, and I'm rather enjoyin myself. Plus the old lady's makin sammiches. I'm in bliss.

Hmm, seems you found some 'newer' metal that isn't lackluster after all eh?
Hmm, seems you found some 'newer' metal that isn't lackluster after all eh?

I dunno. I have no idea how old these bands are. Except Shining. But yeah I think so. I'm pretty content. Didn't think I'd find good new stuff in black metal... This Horna rules btw.

Edit- Necronoclast is pretty new. The others aren't. But they rock. And I'm really enjoyin Necronoclast. Mourning Life is a great song already.
Your definition of new seems to be askew. I find new bands every day whom might have been around for 20 years. Black metal always retains interest, the essence always remains strong.
So I am listening to Mysticum-In the Streams Of Inferno, and it is pretty damn good. Not usually a fan of the more industrial sound, but upon first listen I really enjoy this album. Anyone else have any thoughts on it?
Well, there are some great and visionary musicians to be found in the Black Metal scene, but the number of unlistenable, earache-causing shit is much bigger. Nevertheless- if Black Metal is made with talent and passion, it's one of the most intense musical forces you can listen to.