Black Metal.

I guess I agree on that actually, but I'm not a big fan of ambient black metal in general so they do not rank that high anyway for me. I rather listen to "pure" dark ambient if I want ambience with that atmosphere. Well I guess it depends on what counts as ambient black metal. If Burzum could be considered it for example I don't say no. ;)
I like both, and I listen to both of them for different reasons, though Biosphere is probably my favorite ambient music overall and his music is definitely neither style. :)
Hmm what does they sound like? I don't mind non-dark ambient but I totally don't know anything about it really. All I know is that I think Klaus Schulze rules.

</offtopic deluxe>
It's mostly electronic-based ambient music that also utilizes a variety of samples, field recordings and audio, with a different amount of reliance on beats or more formless structures depending on the particular album. Weather, cities and everyday life seem to be influences on his work, among other things.
At least you noticed I was female as opposed to 'bronze eye' who is dickless.:loco: If you want Black Metal listen to the album Devils Meat by Deliverence. That which came after is a pale shadow of the dark truth!

and I am not a mad cunt, I am a SANE CUNT!:devil:

I wasn't actually calling you a cunt, just referencing:

I still think the whole "Chuck is the maddest cunt" thing was the best.


Also, I didn't care much for Darkspace until I heard III. Significant step up IMO. Not to mention the fact that they included a Prince of Darkness quote.
I like how people actually took the claim "WHAT I WANT THEM TO BE" seriously and think that the people saying it are some kind of selfish music-consumer that needs things to please them. :lol: I think MOL will agree that it's silly to think we actually MEAN that Darkspace's sound should conform to our every whim...I swear, people here are really silly sometimes. It's a colloquialism for fuck's sake. Darkspace, when I heard them and have attempted to enjoy them in the past, do not sound like the kind of music I thought they would from lots of reviews, and I think I am in the right to say what I think about this, not in the wrong because I'm "missing the point." I would not misconstrue it as having a "perfect judgment" on their quality, but rather that the band did not live up to the fucking inordinate amount of hype they received, for me anyway. And that's fine. The notion that this somehow makes it necessary that I've just let it go over my head is silly at best.
I like how people actually took the claim "WHAT I WANT THEM TO BE" seriously and think that the people saying it are some kind of selfish music-consumer that needs things to please them. :lol: I think MOL will agree that it's silly to think we actually MEAN that Darkspace's sound should conform to our every whim...I swear, people here are really silly sometimes. It's a colloquialism for fuck's sake. Darkspace, when I heard them and have attempted to enjoy them in the past, do not sound like the kind of music I thought they would from lots of reviews, and I think I am in the right to say what I think about this, not in the wrong because I'm "missing the point."

I think that you should be less gay, but you aren't allowed to care because it's just a colloquialism.
Nah, because he can enjoy five generic and mediocre bands for every quality one he doesn't enjoy. ;)
I think I understand what MoL means. Darkspace are hyped up as having amazing atmosphere and being really interesting, but every time I listen to them they sound amazingly boring. I actually listened to a song of theirs to make sure I wasn't being unfair and I actually forgot I was listening while the song was still playing.
Then you are Forgiven but still condemed, but hell has all the intereting people anyway.

Any body listen to the Harpies? Crazy chicks on adrenaline.. its music to dismember an ex by:heh:

just got back from Dimmu... galder wasn't playing guitar tonight... they had the guy from Susperia in for him... does anyone know why he wasn't playing? did he get booted or was he sick?
they also had a drummer i've never seen before... blonde guy... didn't catch his name.
They've got the drummer from Vader who I think may also be recording the next album with Dimmu, and I heard that Galder was taking time off for family reasons.
Saw the new Satyricon video, for Black Crow on a Tombstone. It's a bit silly, and Satyr looks like he might have been pretty badass had this been the 70's.

The part where the vocals begin, Satyr is facing the opposite direction and turns his head to sing...priceless really. :lol: