Black Metal.

I've recently found two good underground bands that I think are worth checking out. The first is Incorporea from Spain, who sound very USBM and have some cool atmospheres going on. The second is Fortabt from Denmark who play ambient/depressive black metal. Pretty typical for the genre but well done.

BTW Cookie, your mix almost done and in the mail soon. Expect that record above to have a track on your mix.
Ok, just wanted to report on the album by Trist (Ger) - Hin/Fort, a 2CD release. Oddly, the first disc, featuring a one-hour, single track song, is the black metal half, and the seven track 2nd disc is ambient, more or less. I liked the first disc quite a bit. It made great passive background music, with a few simple, but enjoyable melodies, that repeated frequently over the hour. There were significant amounts of ambient noise as well. Plan on having an hour to spare for this one. It reminded me of what I thought Darkspace should have been. More ambient and soothing, and less abrasive. I found it to be quite satisfying for typical internet browsing. Not very demanding on the listener. I'd come back to this disc.

The 2nd disc is ambient/noise. Nothing metal really. It reminds me of Diagnose: Lebensgefahr at it's better moments, and and Ulver - Teachings in Silence at it's weaker ones. It was growing on me, as I went on, but I've heard other metal acts do better ambient work.
Anyone going to any of the Frostmoon Eclipse, Chaos Moon, Benighted in Sodom shows? There is one in Columbus Ohio and I have the day off so I am thinking of driving down for the day.

Edit: I see that Velnias will also be playing the Columbus date.
Is it Black or is it just the truth? Most black metal raves against the formal nature of religon, yet it is not against belife and faith.. just the corruption of Rev Billy-Billy Billy of Mount a Goat Church of 'gimme gimme your cash'.

Black is the truth that rages and burns.


And that aint spam bronze eye!

Is it Black or is it just the truth? Most black metal raves against the formal nature of religon, yet it is not against belife and faith.. just the corruption of Rev Billy-Billy Billy of Mount a Goat Church of 'gimme gimme your cash'.

Black is the truth that rages and burns.


And that aint spam bronze eye!


Is it Black or is it just the truth? Most black metal raves against the formal nature of religon, yet it is not against belife and faith.. just the corruption of Rev Billy-Billy Billy of Mount a Goat Church of 'gimme gimme your cash'.

Black is the truth that rages and burns.


And that aint spam bronze eye!



I really like this post quite a lot.

At least you noticed I was female as opposed to 'bronze eye' who is dickless.:loco: If you want Black Metal listen to the album Devils Meat by Deliverence. That which came after is a pale shadow of the dark truth!

and I am not a mad cunt, I am a SANE CUNT!:devil:
Ok, just wanted to report on the album by Trist (Ger) - Hin/Fort, a 2CD release. Oddly, the first disc, featuring a one-hour, single track song, is the black metal half, and the seven track 2nd disc is ambient, more or less. I liked the first disc quite a bit. It made great passive background music, with a few simple, but enjoyable melodies, that repeated frequently over the hour. There were significant amounts of ambient noise as well. Plan on having an hour to spare for this one. It reminded me of what I thought Darkspace should have been. More ambient and soothing, and less abrasive. I found it to be quite satisfying for typical internet browsing. Not very demanding on the listener. I'd come back to this disc.

The 2nd disc is ambient/noise. Nothing metal really. It reminds me of Diagnose: Lebensgefahr at it's better moments, and and Ulver - Teachings in Silence at it's weaker ones. It was growing on me, as I went on, but I've heard other metal acts do better ambient work.

If you think that's what Darkspace should have been, you're definitely missing the point of their music.
Nobody said you had to like them, but to say that they should sound the way you want them to is pretty silly, since the way you want them to sound would make it impossible for them to accomplish what they're going for, and also because they aren't making music to please you.
I'd definitely disagree with that, since I think they're one of the best ambient black metal bands around nowadays.