Black Metal.

If it hasn't been mentioned already, Nightbringer's "Death and the Black Work" has finally come to fruition, and is available for pre-order from FMP (CD) and Forever Plagued Records as a 3x Vinyl Boxset (2 bonus songs on the boxset release)

FMP has a direct link to one of the songs off the album, "Feast of Manes", here
Anyone familiar with Tsatthoggua? I have an old recording of Hosanna Bizarre, and it's pretty awesome.

Also, surely someone has mentioned them somewhere in here, but Lord Belial and Mork Gryning are two of the all-time greats, IMO.
Ritual rock. I'm on a Dodsferd kick right now. I'd really like to get his other albums. All I have is "Fucking Your Creation". I love the whole "black 'n' roll" sound. Hate the label, but love the sound. Good shit.
:guh: This thread should always be on the first page.

Any fans of Altar of Plagues? Some pretty interesting music from these guys.
I like all the songs I've heard off the new Satyricon album, I think it'll be a very good album, especially the songs Commando and Black Crow on a Tombstone. I wonder if they'll make a video soon for the new album?
I like all the songs I've heard off the new Satyricon album, I think it'll be a very good album, especially the songs Commando and Black Crow on a Tombstone. I wonder if they'll make a video soon for the new album?

As one who's enjoyed every previous Satyricon album, all these new songs I'm hearing on their Myspace page are outright boring. I'm not even going to buy it.
I've honestly never enjoyed much of Satyricon's music. I can't think of anything that ever stood out. I got rid of the couple albums I did have of theirs.

Which ones did you have? The Shadowthrone is pretty awesome but I don't like much else after Nemesis Divina.

Koude Haat said:
anyone order the drudkh - blood in our wells pic disc? anyone get it yet?

Who has this and for how much?
So I was reading this Immortal Myspace bulletin and one sentence in particular was rather exciting. Not sure if this is well know and I am just behind, but whatever.

Greetings, Immortal hordes…

We’re extremely sorry for the disaster that took place in Oslo last night at Screamfest.The venue staff ruined our show in advance, and we let all of you down.The feeling of not being able to perform for dedicated fans having travelled in from allover Norway and the rest of the world, is beyond description.

First of all, the security in the hall was not very good.
At first, they wanted us to perform without crash barriers in front of the stage, which could have been an even worse situation because of the pyrotechnics on stage.After that was taken care of,we had the final confirmation that the fire alarm system was disconnected, and we would not face any problems due to this. Our pyrotechnics effects were approved by the fire department, we had invested a lot of money into this show, and really wanted to give our fans a special evening.Literally minutes before the band is ready to walk to the stage, the fire alarm goes off, and the building gets evacuated.Half an hour later, our manager is told to come to a meeting with the venue staff, and he’s given the information that we’re denied to use any kind of smoke, flames or other pyrotechnical effects.We discussed whether we should still play the show or not, but we decided that enough was enough. The venue staff had caused problems for us all day, and concluded by blatantly lying and disregarding written agreements and signed contracts, thus making the conditions to deliver a proper Immortal show totally unacceptable.The way it was, we had three factors working against us: a totally incomplete visual experience of Immortal, we would have had to cut almost half of our set, and we wouldhave caused Keep Of Kalessin and Sodom to cut their sets short.We know a lot of you are disappointed and angry because of our decision,which we did not make lightly. We will try to make this up to you in one way or another.We will be back next year with a new album and tours in 2009 and 2010.Our manager had the venue sign a document where they acknowledged that they are toblame for this disaster, and are obliged to refund parts of the ticket to all who bought a ticket for the show.
Details on this will be presented here and on the festival website over the weekend.
We will return!
Abbath, Horgh, Ap
Kataxu's Roots Thunder is currently kicking my ass. The whole thing is epic as fuck but nothing compares to the title track which is, essentially, a masterpiece.