Black Metal.

What do the Stiny Plamenu fans here think of the Dive Into The Waste Water demo comp? So far I disappointed by it. Ve špíně je pravda is pretty awesome and I expected a bit more from the demos. I am only 5 tracks in so maybe it will get more interesting.

I always liked it tbh. A bit heavier guitar tone and more riff-oriented. Rany Cernym Kovem is his best though.
Sorry to tell you but it's like Now, Diabolical part II. I'm halfway done the album, and so far it's not doing much for me.

Edit: In fact, it's quite a dull release. It's maybe got a bit of a raw edge to it compared to Now, Diabolical, and the production values are good but a pretty meh album.

I wonder why they keep releasing the two Volcano bonus tracks on every albums, they've released them 3 times now?
I'm talking about Live Through Me and Existential Fear-Questions.

I'm not quite into Manifestations 2002 as much as I expected to. I had the notion it would sound more like SMRC than it actually does.

That's because DSO only discovered Funeral Mist after recording Manifestations 2002.
Funeral Mist isn't the only band who made music that sounds like it could have inspired Deathspell Omega to create the style of music they do now, nor are they the first. There's also definitely influences from Mikko Aspa's perspective, because some of the noisier parts sound like his work outside of black metal, along with bands like Gorguts and Blut aus Nord.
Originally Posted by divine_torture
Ok, I was listening to Gris-"Il etait" cuz it just came in today. And it met the high expectations I had for it. Except for one thing. Did anyone else notice on track 4, about a minute in, that the vocalist coughs and spits? Was it on purpose? It really rather bugs me with the seriousness and mood of the album as a whole.

Yes. I don't mind it. Probably my favorite song on there, too, along with the title track. I do have a moment like that though which sort of makes me lulz from time to time...the part in 'Cicatrices' where he goes, "whaaa huh huhhh!" in this voice that makes me think of the genie in that Ducktales movie. It's from 3:30-3:33.

Incredible album too.
Ok, I was listening to Gris-"Il etait" cuz it just came in today. And it met the high expectations I had for it. Except for one thing. Did anyone else notice on track 4, about a minute in, that the vocalist coughs and spits? Was it on purpose? It really rather bugs me with the seriousness and mood of the album as a whole.

Veux-tu Danser is probably my favourite song of all time.
What do the Stiny Plamenu fans here think of the Dive Into The Waste Water demo comp? So far I disappointed by it. Ve špíně je pravda is pretty awesome and I expected a bit more from the demos. I am only 5 tracks in so maybe it will get more interesting.

haven't heard it, but if it's by Stiny Plamenu, I'm sure it's good
I always liked it tbh. A bit heavier guitar tone and more riff-oriented. Rany Cernym Kovem is his best though.

I ended up liking more after actually listening to the whole thing. The difference in sound caught me off guard at first and there is definitely some cool stuff on the disc.

Np: Morrigan-Plague, Waste and Death. :kickass:
I've really come to appreciate Watain more lately, especially Casus Luciferi. I've still yet to hear the latest one, though I'm already prepared for a sharp decline in quality based on everything I've heard about it.
I've really come to appreciate Watain more lately, especially Casus Luciferi. I've still yet to hear the latest one, though I'm already prepared for a sharp decline in quality based on everything I've heard about it.

I don't know if I'd say it was a sharp decline with Sworn. Certainly was a bit of a decline, but I think it's still a solid release.

Casus Luciferi is their best release thus far though.
I've really come to appreciate Watain more lately, especially Casus Luciferi. I've still yet to hear the latest one, though I'm already prepared for a sharp decline in quality based on everything I've heard about it.

Sworn to the Dark is more accessible, but in the same way that Storm of the Light's Bane is compared to The Somberlain.