Black Metal.

Probably right, i ordered it a month or 2 ago so i don't remember how much it was.

Just heard a new Enshadowed song from one of their upcoming splits, oh man it's great! People should check these guys out.
Dark Medieval Times, Nemesis, and Rebel Extravaganza. Rebel was not even close to good imo. DMT was tolerable.
I have those too and I also have Now, Diabolical, all are very good except Rebel Extravaganza, it's good but is lacking more than the others. I don't have Volcano or The Shadowthrone yet, Dark Medieval Times is probably my favorite, if not that then Nemesis Divina.
The new Nocte Obducta isn't black metal, but it's great anyway...really good prog rock with ambient/post-rock parts. I dig a LOT.
I've recently found two good underground bands that I think are worth checking out. The first is Incorporea from Spain, who sound very USBM and have some cool atmospheres going on. The second is Fortabt from Denmark who play ambient/depressive black metal. Pretty typical for the genre but well done.