Black Metal.

That's honestly why it's so great. It was my first Darkthrone album and still remains either my first or second favorite (Under a Funeral Moon may be tied with it for first but it really depends on my mood). I'd also like to note that Panzerfaust contains Nocturno Culto's greatest vocal performance. Truly frightening stuff!

Panzerfaust is fucking heavy.
Currently listening to Irrwisch's 2008 self-titled demo. it's really good stuff. the vocals are kind of reverby, and the sound is something along the lines of drudkh but a bit more fierce...bits of nocternity and a few other bands thrown in for good measure. definitely worth checking out!
This question has probably been asked but there are way too many pages to sift through. I don't like black metal as of now, mostly due to the vocals, but I'm sure I could grow to love it. That's how I got into Melodic stuff anyways. What would be a good band to start with?
I like that album quite a bit, though I often forget that it exists. I'd also be willing to bet that Cythraul will post here saying he likes it, since he told me that he does recently on

Their demo compilation is also pretty cool. I hope they do another album soon.
This question has probably been asked but there are way too many pages to sift through. I don't like black metal as of now, mostly due to the vocals, but I'm sure I could grow to love it. That's how I got into Melodic stuff anyways. What would be a good band to start with?

This question has probably been asked but there are way too many pages to sift through. I don't like black metal as of now, mostly due to the vocals, but I'm sure I could grow to love it. That's how I got into Melodic stuff anyways. What would be a good band to start with?

If you can't stand the vocals you really got a problem, since 99% of the genre has them. I'd start with Aeternus - Beyond The Wandering Moon and ...And So The Night Became. Black metal with folk and drone influences with standard death metal vox, awesome stuff. Other bands you can also check out:

Mystic Forest - Romances
Keep Of Kalessin - Armada or Kolossus (easier to get into than early stuff)
but seriously. to be fair hardly anyone can stand the vocals when they first approach BM, and he suggested there's a chance he could get into them. totally agree with aeternus. i think some good starters for people already into melodic stuff are:

aeternus - and so the night became
graveland - the fire of awakening
nokturnal mortum - goat horns
varathron - his majesty at the swamp
summoning - dol guldur

personally i fell in love with BM and BM vocals the first time i heard 'hvis lyset tar oss', but i know a lot of people who've struggled to do the same.