Black Metal.

That Peste Noire album kicks tons of ass. I love it. to me it has like you said, a great feeling to it that seems different from most BM. The vocals are killer and the solos and lead parts sound great. I have been meaning to listen to that album recently along with the newer one. I have only listened to the new one one or two times. It is a step down from the first, but it is not bad and it probably deserves some more listens.

I agree. I like that one a lot more.
Does anyone have the Peste Noire/Horna split? How is it?
the first PN album is pretty good, but folkfuck folie was a full-on fucking failure

i havent heard any newer black metal for some time that i truly liked. any older school bands releasing albums this year that will be worth while other than graveland?
the first PN album is pretty good, but folkfuck folie was a full-on fucking failure

i havent heard any newer black metal for some time that i truly liked. any older school bands releasing albums this year that will be worth while other than graveland?

Did you hear the new Faustcoven from last year?
Just got Peste Noire's La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénerescence. Thanks for the rec, can't believe I've been missing on this one. It's a bloody masterpiece, the guitar leads, riffs, and atmosphere is phenomenal. I'm not too sure if I should check out Folkfuck Folie, heard bad things about it.
Just got Peste Noire's La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénerescence. Thanks for the rec, can't believe I've been missing on this one. It's a bloody masterpiece, the guitar leads, riffs, and atmosphere is phenomenal. I'm not too sure if I should check out Folkfuck Folie, heard bad things about it.

La Sanie... is awesome. I like Folkfuck Follie (and I think by reading this thread recently, I am the only one who does :p) though it is nowhere near as good as the previous album. If you're not sure about purchasing it, maybe just download it first in case you wind up hating it like the rest of the board.
I own the Peste Noire debut, it's very good. They made a name for themselves with their demos, and their debut was one that I had highly anticipated - and I wasn't disappointed. :)

However, with Folkfuck Folie I was disappointed. There's some good to be found on the album but doesn't come close to reaching it's full potential, and a lot of the songs seem rushed. I don't think it's bad, it just could have been a lot better. If you've been a fan for Peste Noire for a while you're not likely to enjoy it as much, that's all. I'd still recommend checking it out though.