Black Metal.

So, I really enjoy Watain's Sworn to the Dark.

What should I get next? That's their only album I own, and I saw a copy of "Casus Luciferi" at the store last week, I was thinking about getting it. A little expensive, but I heard some great comments about it.

Any thoughts?
So, I really enjoy Watain's Sworn to the Dark.

What should I get next? That's their only album I own, and I saw a copy of "Casus Luciferi" at the store last week, I was thinking about getting it. A little expensive, but I heard some great comments about it.

Any thoughts?

Casus Luciferi is their best album IMO. Sworn To The Dark was a let down, so you should enjoy it a lot.
Another full length Gontyna Kry album has just been released. Just ordered it from eastside, can't wait to hear it. Blood of our fathers was great stuff..
Headphones I've found really help with the little nuances in a lot of bm. Sometimes I feel like something's not right when played through my comp speakers or stereo.
Just listened to Catamenia- VIII Time Unchained, it's a weird album kind of progressive melodic black metal

The band is progressive melodic black metal (more melodic than progressive) Eskhata is in my opinion their best song

Anyone heard Peste Noire's Debut? (my sig). It has this dark ages/bubonic plague hysteria/medieval feel without sounding forced unlike other bands.
That Peste Noire album kicks tons of ass. I love it. to me it has like you said, a great feeling to it that seems different from most BM. The vocals are killer and the solos and lead parts sound great. I have been meaning to listen to that album recently along with the newer one. I have only listened to the new one one or two times. It is a step down from the first, but it is not bad and it probably deserves some more listens.