Black Metal.

I'm listening to the Frail demo right now. It's very interesting. I'm not sure how much I like it yet since I'm only at the first song but this is a rather unique approach to black metal.
Plague Angel is better than Panzer Division, and the two albums are similar. The latter has better vocals (Mortuus), a heavier production and a handful of songs that have non-blast drumming parts!

Rom 5:12 is much more mature than those two, though.

And Nightwing surpass them all.
I'm not even going to argue this because it's pointless. However, I will say one thing: Atilla Csihar is the better Mayhem vocalist and that's what makes Ordo Ad Chao the better album imo.
I've come to the conclusion that Satyricon's the Shadowthrone is my favorite Satyricon album I have(Lacking Volcano and The Age of Nero). It is great, Woods To Eternity is my favorite song on there, the only song on there that may be a bit weak is in The Mist By The Hills, still very good though, every other song is great, it has got to be one of the best black metal albums ever, if only Nemesis Divina had been as consistent as this album. 9.5 plus out of 10.
that's not exactly an impressive achievement : /

I liked it, but for some reason I just wasn't all that engaged by it. I'm gonna stick with Monumension as the only Enslaved album on my iPod.
I was listening to the Blood of Kingu (project of Roman Saenko (Drudkh, Hate Forest)) album tonight, and it's rather meh. There are at times riffs that would fit in with either of his more esteemed bands, and the vocal approach is okay with me, but the songs seem to start and stop at random, and that's the most disappointing aspect. Composition seems very poor, even though the guy is certainly able to play some very solid riffs. Every song feels like a random progression of things. This could have been way better, and the short songs/album length do not help. If there's a second album, I'm hopeful it's better. I even liked the direction of the last Hate Forest album. It wasn't much for composition, but it brought some catchy riffs and a great bass sound, and it didn't mess around. I liked the oppressive drum machine sound with the deep vocals and near-mechanical feel of the whole thing. Something like Blood of Kingu should have felt much more organic. The drums and vocals certainly worked, but the start/stop songs found in Hate Forest really compromised the album here. Not a good fit.
I was listening to the Blood of Kingu (project of Roman Saenko (Drudkh, Hate Forest)) album tonight, and it's rather meh. There are at times riffs that would fit in with either of his more esteemed bands, and the vocal approach is okay with me, but the songs seem to start and stop at random, and that's the most disappointing aspect. Composition seems very poor, even though the guy is certainly able to play some very solid riffs. Every song feels like a random progression of things. This could have been way better, and the short songs/album length do not help. If there's a second album, I'm hopeful it's better. I even liked the direction of the last Hate Forest album. It wasn't much for composition, but it brought some catchy riffs and a great bass sound, and it didn't mess around. I liked the oppressive drum machine sound with the deep vocals and near-mechanical feel of the whole thing. Something like Blood of Kingu should have felt much more organic. The drums and vocals certainly worked, but the start/stop songs found in Hate Forest really compromised the album here. Not a good fit.

I liked the album but it felt like i was listening to recycled drudkh riffs..
For those who have not heard the latest from Dodsferd (Death Set The Beginning of My Journey), I highly recommend you do so. "Fucking Your Creation" is still my favorite, but "Death Set" is a very good album. An obvious progression from the last one. A tad different, some better production. Quality black metal for sure.
Why bother with derivative junk?


In Love with Satan! :kickass: