Black Metal.

Based on their first album and a few songs from a compilation that I heard a while ago, Vordr is actually a really good band. I think they manage to be raw and hateful without sounding generic and uninspired.
so for Alter and the other fans of Alcest/Amesoeurs/Post punk post rock shoegaze whatever black metal, check out Frail's demo Brilliant Darkness. It should be right up your alley
The one problem I had, which Omni pointed out to me about that, is that the guy stole some Amesoeurs art or something. It's good though.
it's called "creative collaboration" :rolleyes:

btw, I'm checking out that IQ band's's some good, loud stuff.

Also! New Axis of Perdition! *grabby hands*
Raate is a great band. Or duo. Or whatever. That album is beautiful. One of my fav's for sure from last year.

I'm listening to Ancient Rites-"Dim Carcosa". I've always been undecided on this album and whether or not to buy another of their albums. I've had it since it came out, and have had the same opinion on it since...none.
I'm listening to Nocte Obducta on myspace, and i'm really enjoying it. Thanks V5 for recommending to us.
btw, what does Nocte Obducta actually mean?