Black Metal.

does anyone actually like.. Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao ?

I have the metalcase version of this, im revisiting it and i don't think its bad at all.

It's a good album musically, with the vocals being the highlight of course.

I almost picked up Wolf's Lair Abyss the other day. Is it worth shelling out 10 bucks?
does anyone actually like.. Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao ?

I have the metalcase version of this, im revisiting it and i don't think its bad at all.

That's the only thing I like that they've released since De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. Attila's vocals are great and really weird, and the music is pretty cool, too.
It's a good album musically, with the vocals being the highlight of course.

I almost picked up Wolf's Lair Abyss the other day. Is it worth shelling out 10 bucks?

Ordo Ad Chao rules. Wolf's Lair Abyss...not so good. I'm just not a fan of Maniac's vocals and from what I can recall, the whole album itself is pretty lackluster.
i'm listening to Megiddo - Devil and the whore. One of my favorite albums... this song Across The Shores.../Four Suns is so fucking epic. One of the best black metal songs i've ever heard.
I've always liked Atavism of Evil more than The Devil and the Whore, but I seem to be pretty much alone with that opinion. It's probably because it was the album that I heard first and it got me into the band.
It's a good album musically, with the vocals being the highlight of course.

I almost picked up Wolf's Lair Abyss the other day. Is it worth shelling out 10 bucks?

Not too shabby... Has some Euronymous riffs, its pretty intense and it seems like a logical step from DMDS. I quite liked it ,upon release, but at times there are some bland moments.
If you didn't like the s/t, you probably will not like the new one, although it has better production and some cool parts (almost upbeat sections, some acoustics, EVP outro!). I'm surprised you didn't like the s/t though, I found it pretty goddamn awesome.
IMO, IQ is one of those bands that, if you even found them or downloaded their stuff, you would pretty much like their music. It's so underground that random people don't just stumble upon it. That's how I see it anyway.